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Thread: Factory ammo fliers every 3 shots

  1. #31
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Mmm do you think that's rubbing in there? Is it smoother than the rest of the channel? Sure looks like it and may be the/a reason for the flyer.

    Yup definitely been rubbing, just been on the phone to @R93 he's gonna bed it for me, save me doing terrible things to it
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  2. #32
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Yup definitely been rubbing, just been on the phone to @R93 he's gonna bed it for me, save me doing terrible things to it
    Can you post a pic of your bottom metal in place with screws tightened up please mate.

    Looks to be a lot of meat already removed from the barrel channel.

    I just want to see if there is room to float it by bedding and not effect the functionality.

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  3. #33
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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  4. #34
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Don't be a blouse, sand that channel out so its making no contact. Try it again then.
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  5. #35
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Don't be a blouse, sand that channel out so its making no contact. Try it again then.
    That's actually not a bad idea Danny.

    It will tell you if it is just contact there causing the issue.
    Can still bed it for cosmetic value.
    The action area is rough but may be serviceable.

    Just use a bit of wood dowel and sand paper to float it, and then shoot it.

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  6. #36
    R93 is offline
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    That's good. Plenty of room to sort that

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
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  7. #37
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    My 2c

    Cent 1 : is this really literally every third shot repeatedly? Or is it just overall random poor grouping or walking ?

    Cent 2: that looks like araldite or another epoxy glue and the bedding surface could have been damaged before that.someone else has had trouble with it and flicked it on. Almost certainly you will be able to sort it out probably by a full bedding job. If you try sanding out a heap from the friend and the barrel keeps coming down onto it then it could be the wood has been crushed or softened by oil under the front bedding screw. I'm definitely not an expert but a pillar bed might be needed to fix if that's the problem. Go to a professional with good reputation not someone who will put knead it or hot melt glue in. ( all power to them if they've fixed their own guns like that and good on them).

    Said more than enough for my meager knowledge ...
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  8. #38
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Been bedded by someone who knows what they doing this afternoon, thanks everyone will post results in a week once the bedcing has had time to cure fully and I've got time to get back out and put some rounds down range next

  9. #39
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Hey team.
    Took my new rifle out for a spin today.
    She's a winchester mod 70 243.
    I intend to reload for it and have ordered some eldx 90g which should be here mid February.
    I bought some hornandy whitetails 100g soft points just to run through it in the meantime as I can use the brass.
    I put 20 rounds through the rifle today getting a feel for it and sighting in.
    But I foubd that I could put 2 shots almost on top of each other and then the 3rd would always be a flier 3 or 4 inches higher.
    Any idea what would cause this ? Or is it just me getting used to the rifle ?
    Very happy with everything else it shoots nice trigger is good no creep and about 2.5lbs of pull. It feeds really well too.
    It's not an issue for hunting too much as I have never needed 2 shots to kill anything but just curious as to what might be causing the fliers.
    Took thd rifle home and gave it a really good clean just with patches and gun oil.
    If nothing here sheds light I'll take it round to a mate and get him to put a few down range to see if it's just me.
    Precision is hitting where you aim, accuracy about group sizes.

    In hunting, you really only care about precision of the first cold shot, maybe the first two.

    If you need a third quick shot it will be be on the fly -- and then your gun will be way more precise and accurate than you can shoot it.

    Nice shooter.
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  10. #40
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    Precision is hitting where you aim, accuracy about group sizes.

    In hunting, you really only care about precision of the first cold shot, maybe the first two.

    If you need a third quick shot it will be be on the fly -- and then your gun will be way more precise and accurate than you can shoot it.

    Nice shooter.
    Agree I'm just looking for consistency, I have not needed more than 1 shot when out hunting, consistent grouping allows confidence.
    This is after all a 300yd or less rifle as far as me hunting with it goes.
    If it proves consistent once bedded, I can tweak the load for best accuracy.
    It certainly shoots where I point it.
    Agree it's a lovely rifle to shoot.

  11. #41
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Agree I'm just looking for consistency, I have not needed more than 1 shot when out hunting, consistent grouping allows confidence.
    This is after all a 300yd or less rifle as far as me hunting with it goes.
    If it proves consistent once bedded, I can tweak the load for best accuracy.
    It certainly shoots where I point it.
    Agree it's a lovely rifle to shoot.
    Yes. Looking at groups instead of the first shots may make you distrust your fine hunting rifle.

    Problem is, you don't kill paper targets, they stay up, so at a shooting range you make groups.
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  12. #42
    Gone but not forgotten
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    I have a Brno 243 that has a similar contact point between barrel and fore end, and off centre too. I have sanded the barrel channel so that the contact point is more centred. The rifle shoots okay but I'm sure it can do better. It has pillars between the action and bottom metal, but the pillars are loose and not fixed in the stock. I bought an Acriglass kit and plan to have a go at bedding the action (probably only at front and rear), then sanding out the contact point to float the barrel. I have the same rifle in 308 in a fibreglass stock and it shoots very well, so I'm hoping the 243 will be just as good, as long as I don't stuff up the bedding job!
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  13. #43
    I made some pillars for my savage 243 and jb,welded them into the stock it works well

  14. #44
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    ok looking at that it was pretty much as came from factory...THEY ARE HOT GLUE GUN BEDDED IN FACTORY......FFS.....
    eg a blob of soft glue bunged in place and screwed up n shipped out.
    barrel channel relief easy with a course half round file...see Gibo you arent the only rough one.
    mine got the full rebed third time around...first time was hot glue..that lasted 5 years then araldite...lasted 10 years till I took it apart and got all embarrassed by how rough it was so then bought Nathan Fosters kit and did it properly...did the same for my Zstava .308...the zastava .223 still in hot glue 20 years and still looks/preforms fine.
    sounds like the job has been done...now we wait for next range report.
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  15. #45
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Yup @R93 was gonna do it, then @stug offered to do the bedding as he only lives down the road.
    Bloody GC's the pair of them.
    Won't have a chance to shoot it again till early next week, but will have it sorted by then and will report back with results
    jakewire and Micky Duck like this.



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