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Alpine DPT

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  1. #1
    Member redbang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Fire at the Handloaders Range, Christchurch.

    As above, myself and Horihunter turned up at 0730 today for a cooler early shoot, and found the place crawling with the fire service, and club president( who came and talked to us ) looking a bit glum. The 100mtr butts were completely burnt out, and the local area to the butts as well. It got into the trees behind, but only just, and the fire service caught it in time before it went further, bloody lucky and good work by them. It will be out of action at least for the near future, and the pres is changing the locks today to prevent anybody entering, till further notice.
    Anyone who used the range on the sat 11th has been asked to please contact pres to help with the inquiry.
    Real shame this has happened just before the installation of the security cameras, which was apparently imminent.
    There will be quite a few people who aren't on the official club computer list that won't know about the closure, so it would be good to spread the word if you know anyone that's a member. I expect info will be posted on the club website.
    This isn't an official club notification, just me putting it out there.
    This message is also in the Off Topic thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Our thoughts are with you guys in Canterbury. Sounds like people need to be familiar with bushfire survival like they are in OZ. Take care.

  3. #3
    Member Beavis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

  4. #4
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Yeah, got an email form the pres. Was hoping to get along there and sight in a rifle or two during the week. Certainly hope it wasn't Beavis, but by the sounds of where it was I suspect it could be the case. There are more than enough signs posted saying that the use of tracers will get you a lifetime ban.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  5. #5
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Crap, I was planning a trip there tomorrow.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!



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