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are you the somali pirate bro. :sarge:
Seems like a cruzy job
that be right up your alley Neckshot
Ive been accused of being a pirate but not a somali one;)
fuck yes ......warning shots!!!!! rat rata tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat
It's a nice idea but there are some significant legal ramifications which is the one of the main reasons why this probably hasn't been adopted mainstream. Namely that the illegality of privateering was confirmed by the Hague Convention of 1907.
I lost you at nice idea!
I was watching a program about machine guns nd it showed one in that plane, warthog? I forgot its name but it is a massive gun would be sweet having that mounted on your boat
The solution to pirates: Eliminate the land bases which launch the mother ships - again, an activity which is fraught with legal tip-toeing since Somalia hasn't had a recognised government since... 1991, I think?
Ryan, has anyone ever said you're like a human Google?
the solution to pirates in my opinion is ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataat atatatatatatataatata!:D
You might like that plane neckshot
I can't say that I have, no. While any red-blooded firearm enthusiast, especially any with military experience, would love to go and shoot up some pirates (and I'm sure that there'd be a plethora of companies waiting to employ them), the reason it hasn't happened is simply for the archaic and convoluted rules with regards to private naval armies, arming merchant ships et al which prevent such companies from being formed in the first place.
And let's not get started about the insurance ramifications!
Toby, a10 warthog, coolest plane ever built, it's like a tank with wings :D
Seriously mate hardly a thought going thru these guys head whilst saving there employer a fuckload of cash!!!!! end of story.
The GAU-8/A avenger 7 barrel 30mm gatling cannon ?Attachment 6224
Yup, that'd be great on a boat against pirates...
Now I would like to see big Arnie try to tuck that mother under his arm
love the fire power in that one
I would like to be a pirate as long as there is rum to drink and booty to hunt;), somehwere around Spain or the Caribbean. Not to keen on hunting booties in Somalia!
There's enough of them between Singapore and oz
We've done security runs through there. Cheeky pricks will knock off anything that's not welded down.
Unfortunately guns on vessels isn't as easy as it's made out to be.
No 50bmg pedestals on our bridge wings but have seen them on others
My quote button dosnt work sometimes!! bugger knows why.
I have a friend who's Dad runs a large security company operating in the black sea doing security just like in this video, They also have chase boats to patrol the area's.
hell yes super charged artillery 155mm .just popping somali melons would be good enough:thumbsup:
RPG the cnuts. Give them a taste of their own medicine
:yaeh am not durnk::yaeh am not durnk::yaeh am not durnk:
Attachment 6288
Hhahahahahahhaahahahahhahaahahhahaha HA. That is gold
1. 155mm artillery: A land calibre artillery piece mounted on a ship is simply not going to work against boats, skiffs etc.
2. RPG: Effective range of 900m, also a direct fire weapon and would require the expense of conveying the operator and crew to within range of said boast, skiff etc
"popping Somali melons", sure they are criminals but it isn't as if they have any other option. One can't exactly haul trash or flip burgers in Mogadishu. They have wives, children, just like anyone else. You gotta do what you gotta do - hell if I was in their position, I'd do whatever it took to feed my family.
Not that I lack a sense of humour, merely seeking to debate the issue at hand in a constructive, logical manner.
Piracy has probably been around since the day after the first neolithic man paddled a log out to sea and a fellow coveted it. Piracy has been rampant off West Africa since the fifties and a few hundred years before that the Barbary pirates operated there. The South China sea has been a problem for centuries.
Clearly it isn't going away.
And those BASTARDS killed our Sir Peter Blake:sick:
Indeed they did and it was unfortunate but poverty + lack of education = crime. Sir Peter knew the risks.
Hahaha please ignore my drunken ramblings. These comments were sponsored by Woodstock 8% :P
Normally when people drink it makes them less intelligent. Have you ever been a teacher or anything?