Get better at windcalls
This year's online shooting school will focus on windcalls.
I had to take the long way in, layer the info and also show contrast/non-example/poor form in order to adress novice and experienced alike.
But everything build around the same solid procedures, you just need to cherry-pick and add/use what is relevant to you.
Not sure how many episodes this will be, at least three, and it should be relevant to a lot of you.
Great video @Norway as always lots of clearly presented useful information. Takk skal du ha!
Very good info as usual.
K95 looking great again, what reinforcement did you end up putting in the new stock?
My original idea was to put in a carbon tube in the screw channel, but I was told no!
The original stock was ruined by micro cracks caused by a loose stock screw which again caused the action to slam into the wood during recoil, ever so slightly splitting the wood along the lines.
The stock screw came loose due my coastal climate and moving wood. I tried gluing the screw, but ended up warping the wood when it couldn't move against the steel. Caused the action to fill upbwith debris.
It is very difficult to reach the stock screw, you need to remove the recoil pad and use a long specialist 4mm tool.
Coup the grace was a small fall that exploded the stocks along the micro cracks.
My current stock has a selfcentering stock screw that can be reached with a short handtool and without removing recoil pad.
This way I can keep tension and fit correct.
The wood has been properly oil finished and waxed, all metal/wood contacts are sealed with Renaissance Wax (no more water/debris) and the rifle has a point-bedding where recoil slams the stock.
And I made the hole to better secure the stock to a backpack - kees the rifle above the butt of the backpack. Should keep most of the force off the rifle when I fall. We'll have to see how bright that idea is...
Fingers crossed it holds up this time, it is certainly a nice piece of timber.
I would be interested to see the screw setup as I'm about to build a similar stock and it would be nice not to have to remove the recoil pad every time the stock needs to come off etc.
Part 3 of the series here, not as though to digest and more details on the windcalls
Part 4 is here, included the very important detail of trajectory validation
Thank you sir. I would someday like to learn how to shoot. I think the only thing that ever saved me is the belief that I am not a good shot saved me from taking many stupid/long shots. I am truly in awe of those with pinpoint accuracy…I’d like to know what it feels like when a guy who rings a gong all day at 1000m has to take a 300m shot on a deer.
If you think "easy" and fail to be mentally present in the moment/shot, you are likely to skip intermediate steps and make a mistake... True story! Much science available to explain why (Hahneman)
Anyway, back to shooting school:
The failing scopemount and unusually nice weather has been so disruptive, I suspect this will be the season's last episode