We see them as client face project managers. Good at blabbing on in superior tones at meetings but no practical uses what so ever. I feel sorry for any normal poms who follow after then.
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Now listen up you lot.
I moved from a nice quiet little beach town up North, to a very quiet sleepy little "village" somewhere near Nelson.
There is a rifle range a couple of KM across the valley from me, and a pistol range a couple of K down the road.
Sometimes I get woken up as early as 10.30 am by the noise of gunfire from these 2 ranges. It is just not on. :P
I could complain to council like my fellow countrymen did , but I am guessing the guy who owns the range probably wont let me use it again if I do.
The old pom doesn't realise that all our ancestors became pioneers in New Zealand just to get away from his ancestors.
I have observed this many a time with English transplants, they come over here and because they can now get a quarter-acre section and a nice house instead a shitty counsel estate flat, suddenly they start believing they are entitled. They don't realise that everyone else here has got them as well.
From what I gather he tried to chop his block up into 30 properties and was given the chop due to one reason or another.
Think he sees the club as a threat to the worth of those houses if he eventually gets there.
Between that and the current motoX track there this guy's just a wanker.
Where is the correct place to build a range where SOMEONE will not complain?
You are entitled to as much peace and quite as you can afford, thats life and applies to all of us.
His block of land ensures he gets less noise than I do in suburbia where I can't control the noise my neighbours make as long is it's below legal limits. He is right that generally he has enough land that he will get less noise, certainly less than I do. If he wants no noise and want's to ensure that in the future then he needs to buy more land and plant himself in the middle of it.
If he can't afford that, welcome to the world we all live in. People that can afford that usually annoy the other neighbours with their personal helicopter :)
I heard he wanted to subdivide and was denied as he needed access to a private road for the subdivisions..
How about a new picture of the Timaru landscape changing.....Attachment 57036
As to op,
I really hope that the problem makers can be got on side for these guys, and the range goes ahead at great haste!