you DONT NEED lesser recoiling rifle...ditch the brake,get a suppressor.....and use milder loads.......JOB DONE...... the .308 is a great cartridge...YOU CAN HANDLE this easily.
you DONT NEED lesser recoiling rifle...ditch the brake,get a suppressor.....and use milder loads.......JOB DONE...... the .308 is a great cartridge...YOU CAN HANDLE this easily.
might I politely suggest you do the same......
I KNOW about flinching.....once upon a time I had a shocking took work to rid myself of it and I still dont like shooting paper,other than sighting in,I really dont like unsuppressed rifles anymore,although I have a couple...I make damn sure to wear good ear pro when using them.....
going back to .22lr helps.....then MILD recoiling rifle...supressed 223 is awesome...and subsonic loads are simply fantastic as you useing your same rifle except suddenly it goes POP instead of BOOOOOM and there is zero recoil....plink away to hearts content and get used to it again...then "suck it up buttercup" and let off a supersonic load or that wasnt so bad was it????
go home and that a few times and you have RETRAINED yourself..... you now KNOW rifle isnt going to hurt you so no need to tense up,close eyes ,jerk trigger.
While doing research on reloading, chanced upon a YouTube video that use a Tikka T3x lite and a AR10 to test the same 308/165g reload ammo. You can see the significant recoil on Tikka T3x lite compared to AR10. Mine is a Tikka T3x Superlite, so the recoil should be higher than the lite. Since it is a hunting rifle, will keep the weight down and manage the recoil.
Pretty long video. If you keen to watch, go straight to 22:30 for Tikka T3x lite recoil, and 29:00 for AR10 recoil.