There must be a different theory on cleaning for every shooter. And the internet makes it worse.
I think it mostly depends on the rifles use.
Most .22 plinkers and pest shooters will do a clean every brick or two. But put that .22 on a small bore range and I bet it's cleaned at least every outing which is under 100 rds.
Talk to a center fire hunter and apart from waving an oily rag around, they don't want to upset the MOJO.
Talk to an F open guy with a life expectancy of 1500 rounds and they will most likely take it back to bare metal under 100 shots. I am experimenting with full carbon removal (to the best of my ability) and leave some copper in there. That's on a TR rifle (.308 with expected barrel life of 5000 rds) I guess I won't know for sure until I am on my 3rd barrel....when I get there I will post the results.
I used to be a cleaning fanatic, then I went to the US and realised that they never bother....
I genrally dont clean until I loose accuracy