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Some thoughts on hunter class shoots. Firstly; over many years culling, NRA and NZDA shoots as well as clay competitions I observed that
where competitions are concerned there are always a number of persons who eant to win and will push the rules
of firearm and equipment types to
maximum specs to get maximum
advantage over others. I saw clubs
where young or less talented persons
eventually gave up attending because
of what they perceived as an uneven
playing field. Being on one such
committee I introduced a rule making
the scoring target as large as the
military spec for an open sighted smle
which was 3moa at 100 yards. A hit
inside this was worth 1 point and
outside this was 0. This rule removed
most of the advantages of flash
equipment and as a result
attendances boomed.
That was decades ago and hunting
has changed a lot since then
However I believe a similar principle could still be applied in todays world
when talking a fair "hunter class"
Firstly, applying a weight limit: A fully wooded SMLE plus decent scope, sling and bipod could reach 12
pounds, so there is a suggested limit
for rifle. Scope power is immaterial
and for most practical hunting ranges
a large scope is no advantage bit if a
competitpr was dumb enough to use
20x mag at normal hunting ranges he
would disadvantage him her self so I
would not restrict scope size.
Where appropriate a bipod or pack can be used as a front support aid. No
rear support allowed.
Here's the key kicker:
Our game animals, goats, fallow, reds
, pigs et al generally have a vital kill
zone of about 10 inche--9 moa.
KICKER#2. The rules I suggest are these:
At 100m shooting is offhand only.Thrre shots inside 10" = 3 points.
Outside the 10" target = nil point.
At 200metres only position allowed is sitting. Same 10" vital zone target.
Three shots= 3 points for three hits
At 300 metres, prone with bipod or pack for front support is
allowed..Target remains at 10", which
at 300m is 3moa. Again, 1 point per
hit. Then back to 500 metres where
prone with front support is allowed.
Same 10" target, which is now
equivalent to about 1.5 moa.
This course of fire is not difficult for a decent shootrr and hunting rifle and
plenty should accomplish the course
with a good score.
The bbq and bs at days end along
with lessons learned is all that is
needed. If a prize table is desired, it
would be by drawn lots only
The objective is to simulate required accuracy and skill for clean kills at
sensible hunting ranges and to upskill
in field conditions but not so difficult
as to deter rank and file hunters.
Anyhoo, thats my suggestion for now