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View Poll Results: What type of shooter are you?

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  • Meat Hunter Only

    5 6.02%
  • Target Shooter Only

    4 4.82%
  • Varmint Shooter Only

    0 0%
  • Meat and Target Shooter

    10 12.05%
  • Varmint and Target shooter

    8 9.64%
  • Meat, Target, and Varmint shooter

    33 39.76%
  • I'll shoot anything that moves.

    23 27.71%
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Thread: Hunters, Target shooters, varmint Shooters? POLL for interest

  1. #1
    Member Brennos's Avatar
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    Hunters, Target shooters, varmint Shooters? POLL for interest

    Just talking to a mate before, and he mentioned he was interested in shooting, but not so much the hunting for meat side of shooting. Didnt mind the concept of shooting some "pests", as in rabbits possums, wallabies, and possibly even goats, but wasn't to keen on the idea of shooting a big stag, and even less keen on the idea of skinning and gutting it. This conversation got me thinking, of those of you on the forum, how many are target shooters, vs meat hunters, and I guess I should include varminters?

    Obviously a lot of people here would shoot for meat, and punch paper as well, so I will add a few options to the poll, basically I am interested to see if there are more like him, or if the majority of the NZ shooters are meat hunters. Personally I have no issue shooting a bigger game animal, would be nice to have some time to get out and do it though.
    Grim and Philipo like this.

  2. #2
    Member Splash's Avatar
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    Nor west Akl
    Is spot lighting and shooting pests with a 12 ga varmiting? If so I meat hunt and varmit shoot if not I meat hunt and pest control
    TIKKA 595 7mm08 for the deer 12 gauge for everything else!

  3. #3
    Member Josh's Avatar
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    Nkoaranga, Tanzania.
    I target shoot moving things. That's probably the best way to describe it. I shoot varmints because I like the challenge of successfully hitting a moving target. I'm just as happy shooting targets at the range though.

  4. #4
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I don't get out hunting anywhere near as much as I use to, but generally I'll hunt anything that is there for the taking. These days I'm getting more into the shooting side of things. Got into service rifle shooting and black rifles, well guns in general and it soaks up a lot of my spare cash. Me and my mates generally go on a weekend long or week long trip maybe 2-3 times a year when our time off work and other commitments align. When I first started taking deer hunting seriously I was going hunting every weekend, not so much now. I guess if you had to brand me with a stereotype it would be "gun nut".

  5. #5
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    there are alot that shoot target-surprising

  6. #6
    Caretaker Wildman's Avatar
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    I just hunt.

  7. #7
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    What about trophy?
    Addicted to gun powder

  8. #8
    Apparently the 2 biggest cunts on here lol Philipo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    there are alot that shoot target-surprising
    As I see it "Target shooting" is quite wide ranging category eg paper, gongs & clays

    You forgot to put " safe queen stroker" & "arm chair expert" in the poll as well, must be a few of them on here or is that more on the dark side
    Brennos likes this.
    Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    It's the internet, it's full of experts !!!

    But I like the target shooting for the personal challenge, including many different divisions, right down to air pistol at 10m.

    As well as blowing the heads off small furry animals !
    Philipo likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I started my shooting career as a varmint hunter, progressed to meat hunting, then when I realised what a woeful shot I was, I got a decent rifle and started target shooting soley to improve my skill as a meat hunter. I enjoy the challenges of all three now.

  11. #11
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash View Post
    Is spot lighting and shooting pests with a 12 ga varmiting? If so I meat hunt and varmit shoot if not I meat hunt and pest control
    How bunnies in a row are you up to now?
    Welcome to Sako club.

  12. #12
    Member Splash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    How bunnies in a row are you up to now?
    We dont have any more bunnys left the dog team think they got the last one a few weeks ago, they will have a sniff around late next month before i set stock the ewes for lambing just to make sure they are all gone.

    we had to stop using the shottie after the last bait drop incase we made the last few gun shy, so had to use the .22 so must admit i missed a couple, cant remember the number before i missed but was a little bit gutted because im sure i would have had them if i had the 12ga.
    TIKKA 595 7mm08 for the deer 12 gauge for everything else!

  13. #13
    bas is offline
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    With kids and work commitments I'm lucky if I get to the range these days, let alone hunt. So I put myself down as a paper puncher.

  14. #14
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    I used to LOVE my rifle shooting and always will but i impulsively bought a 12ga 3 weeks before duckshooting season and hell have fallen in love with it! I find shooting paper all day long a bit boring(no offence) and don't quite get the buzz that i do off stalking in close(under 150m) whether it be deer,rabbits etc... During spring though I'll be carrying my AR and the 12ga to cover all bases

  15. #15
    Apparently the 2 biggest cunts on here lol Philipo's Avatar
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    Shit you're not wrong RV I used to love bunny shooting with a shotie when I was a young fulla, bloody great fun just do'nt seem to to it much now days
    Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!



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