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Quick update, a year on.....
I have gotten well used to this rifle now, but the hardest thing to get used to is the lock time, its so quick, that bullet lands exactly where the crosshairs are. For me it's so hard to pull the trigger as the cross hair moves across the center. I tend to like to hover over the center for a half second before squeezing one off. I will say though, that the center of the target alludes me still.
Anyway, a jacket sling and a glove tightens things up, and I enjoy the competition at the local NZDA.
In the last year I've shot a few F class 100m matches (we do this before the 4 position shoots) and managed a couple of 100.6 scores, today was a good effort scoring 100.8.
5 years ago I would have thought it easy to shoot prone over rests and do very well, but man there is a bit to it. One of the wide shots I know I didn't have the same pressure on my cheek, and saw it land a it off. All together a good result.
Thanks Team
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