Forum: Shooting

Range reports, long range, target shooting, technique, it's all here.

  1. Best zero for a .357 rifle.

    Started by Sh00ter‎, 10-11-2019 12:49 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    1894, 222, 357, accuracy, ammunition, calibre, carbine, cartridge, cci, cheap, deer, fps, goats, gun, henry, lever, lever gun, low, marlin, pistol, red, rifle, rounds, shoot, shooting, shot, shoulder, skin, trajectory
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 3,772
    12-11-2019, 06:53 AM Go to last post
  2. The essence of stupidity

    Started by Philipo‎, 08-11-2019 10:57 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Replies: 27
    • Views: 3,331
    11-11-2019, 06:50 PM Go to last post
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 955
    08-11-2019, 10:31 PM Go to last post
  3. Nelson NZDA Juniors Swazi Shoot

    Started by veitnamcam‎, 03-11-2019 04:30 PM
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,083
    04-11-2019, 08:17 AM Go to last post
  4. Spot to sight in in Auckland

    Started by Jamesyd‎, 29-10-2019 02:31 PM
    .22, .223, 223, auckland, away, club, drive, gun, hunting, land, nzda, open, pistol, private land, range, ranges, rifle, russian, shooting, sight, sight in, sighting, suppressed, travel
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,600
    29-10-2019, 09:02 PM Go to last post
  5. 6.5 creedmoor

    Started by marky123‎, 28-10-2019 08:42 AM
    6.5, barrel, bits, book, creedmoor, fps, inch, load, loading, low, max, powder, projectiles, range, round, rounds, working
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,363
    29-10-2019, 07:38 AM Go to last post
  6. finaly had a decent go on this

    Started by northdude‎, 19-10-2019 06:02 PM
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,588
    28-10-2019, 01:54 PM Go to last post
  7. Manuwatu/Rangitikei rifle range?

    Started by widerange‎, 27-10-2019 03:04 PM
    bush, doc, google, hills, hunt, hut, iphone, land, lodge, low, member, open, palmy, pic, public, range, rifle, rifle range, ruahines, shoot, sight, top, turn, type
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,102
    28-10-2019, 10:15 AM Go to last post
  8. World War Z averted in Norway

    Started by Norway‎, 24-10-2019 07:15 AM
    700, atlas, bipod, bipods, long, long range, long range shooting, low, match, mdt, norway, open, precision, range, range shooting, ranges, rifles, shoot, shooters, shooting, sight, tips, type, ute, weight, youtube
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,456
    25-10-2019, 05:59 AM Go to last post
  9. Rimfire Silhouette up north?

    Started by quadhunter260‎, 18-10-2019 07:13 PM
    eel, hikurangi, hunter, north, nzda, prs, questions, range, ranges, rimfire, shoot, shot, steel, tac, target, trigger, type
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,166
    20-10-2019, 01:05 AM Go to last post
  10. .577 snider enfield

    Started by A330driver‎, 26-09-2019 01:59 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Replies: 39
    • Views: 6,496
    17-10-2019, 09:31 PM Go to last post
  11. What is your measure for practical 22 accuracy ?

    Started by ebf‎, 14-10-2019 09:27 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 2,554
    16-10-2019, 11:30 AM Go to last post
  12. Ashburton f class Sweep

    Started by blair993‎, 20-09-2019 09:58 AM
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,895
    10-10-2019, 10:18 PM Go to last post
  13. Hunting Rifle Event 19 October

    Started by Jaco Goosen‎, 08-10-2019 10:46 PM
    barrels, brakes, bullet, calibre, camera, game, gong, heavy, hunting, international, iphone, land, pack, rain, range, rifle, rifles, scopes, shoot, shooters, shooting, sling, taranaki, targets, test
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 1,319
    09-10-2019, 06:51 PM Go to last post
  14. Sighting in with a suppressor

    Started by NO4‎, 05-10-2019 03:52 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    advice, axis, barrel, bullet, development, hunting, learn, load, marks, poi, position, pressure, questions, range, ranges, rifle, rounds, scope, shoot, shooting, shoulder, sight, sight in, sighting, smoke, suppressor, target
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 4,011
    07-10-2019, 08:35 PM Go to last post
  15. Winchester 70 XTR

    Started by Harryg‎, 28-09-2019 10:51 PM
    .243, 22-250, 222, 243, 300, 700, action, bdl, bipod, bolt, buy, condition, hares, harris, lightweight, long, remington, remington 700, rifle, rifles, sporter, suppressor, trigger, weight, winchester
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,413
    06-10-2019, 11:02 AM Go to last post
  16. Vertical Stringing

    Started by Tentman‎, 05-10-2019 06:19 PM
    223, 308, ammo, barnard, bipod, club, elite, ffp, fmj, lithgow, loading, mil, range, reticle, rifle, round, scope, shooting, target, timney, trigger, triggers, velocity, wanted
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,168
    06-10-2019, 09:02 AM Go to last post
  17. Which gunsmith do you trust with your barrels?

    Started by ihmsakiwi‎, 04-10-2019 01:14 PM
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,064
    05-10-2019, 08:07 PM Go to last post
  18. Which gunsmith do you trust with your barrels?

    Started by ihmsakiwi‎, 04-10-2019 01:23 PM
    284 winchester, accuracy, barrel, barrels, bullet, cal, case, case capacity, free, greystone, guns, gunsmith, kreiger, loading, long, powder, rifle, rust, smith, weight, whakatane, winchester
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,171
    04-10-2019, 07:04 PM Go to last post
  19. Don't be fooled

    Started by Marty Henry‎, 30-09-2019 07:01 AM
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 1,761
    03-10-2019, 09:20 PM Go to last post


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