Forum: Shooting

Range reports, long range, target shooting, technique, it's all here.

  1. Moved: MSSAs banned

    Started by oraki‎, 21-03-2019 03:13 PM
  2. Moved: Fastway (Castaway Couriers)

    Started by Happy‎, 26-03-2019 11:40 AM
  3. Moved: COLFO Survey: Please participate

    Started by Ryan‎, 25-03-2019 12:28 PM
  4. Moved: WHY

    Started by Carlsen Highway‎, 26-03-2019 10:08 PM
  5. Moved: Armed Cop in your range

    Started by RRA‎, 25-03-2019 10:01 PM
  6. Moved: Police info not quite right?

    Started by sykoticnz‎, 23-03-2019 07:52 PM
  7. Compound Bow Recommendation?

    Started by KaneB‎, 25-03-2019 07:38 PM
    advice, archery, auto, bow, bow hunting, buy, cheers, deer, deer stalking, edge, gear, guide, hunting, poi, pull, release, semi, shells, shoot, shop, sight, single, stalking, target, trigger, weight
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,809
    26-03-2019, 10:23 PM Go to last post
  8. Moved: Police showing up at work

    Started by mosinchap‎, 25-03-2019 11:30 PM
  9. My new part time job

    Started by johnd‎, 26-03-2019 05:06 PM
    action, automatic, boat, bolt, bolt action, cost, firearms, guns, news, part, powder, primers, semi, south island, swap, wellington
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,122
    26-03-2019, 06:58 PM Go to last post
  10. Moved: Article: Consultation will make Kiwi gun ban better than ours

    Started by Ryan‎, 25-03-2019 08:41 PM
  11. PRS is it a discipline practiced here in nz

    Started by rusl‎, 24-03-2019 04:47 PM
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,679
    26-03-2019, 03:49 PM Go to last post
  12. Moved: C cat effectively gone too?

    Started by mcdeee‎, 21-03-2019 10:29 PM
  13. Blocking up a semi-auto

    Started by mcdeee‎, 25-03-2019 12:10 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    .22, .338, 338, a-cat, action, arms, auto, block, buy, carbine, collection, doc, firearms, guns, mags, oic, part, people, police, print, rifles, russian, selling, semi, semi-auto, smaller, wanted
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 2,718
    26-03-2019, 11:25 AM Go to last post
  14. Moved: Sites being blocked?

    Started by Gerbs‎, 24-03-2019 10:58 AM
  15. Moved: What a phone call to the Police 0800 number will get you-

    Started by coltace‎, 23-03-2019 01:44 PM
  16. Moved: Have your say.....

    Started by Nick-D‎, 22-03-2019 04:30 PM
  17. Somewhere to shoot/practice

    Started by Jaco Goosen‎, 25-03-2019 10:36 AM
    deerstalkers, eel, gongs, hunter, land, prs, range, ranges, shoot, steel, tac, targets
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 647
    25-03-2019, 10:36 AM Go to last post
  18. Moved: Exactly what ia banned

    Started by northdude‎, 22-03-2019 06:10 AM
  19. Moved: Police forced to shut down 'Gun confiscation website'

    Started by Allgood‎, 23-03-2019 08:59 PM
  20. Moved: Shooters manifesto banned

    Started by stug‎, 23-03-2019 01:05 PM


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