Forum: Shooting

Range reports, long range, target shooting, technique, it's all here.

  1. Moved: Clean submission/petition list

    Started by Tussock‎, 22-03-2019 09:52 PM
  2. Moved: Recent random spot inspections

    Started by Markgibsonr25‎, 22-03-2019 08:28 PM
  3. Moved: Aus buyback - any firsthand experience ?

    Started by ebf‎, 18-03-2019 10:04 PM
  4. Moved: What's going on

    Started by nightowl52‎, 22-03-2019 05:00 PM
  5. Moved: Petition Removed/deleted

    Started by Andrew11‎, 23-03-2019 07:54 AM
  6. Moved: Building a war chest

    Started by Tussock‎, 22-03-2019 09:58 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 774
    22-03-2019, 10:17 PM Go to last post
  7. Moved: More Imprtantly

    Started by Carlsen Highway‎, 22-03-2019 05:50 PM
  8. Moved: "justice minister"?

    Started by nightowl52‎, 19-03-2019 08:19 AM
  9. Moved: Knee jurk reaction

    Started by rambo-6mmrem‎, 20-03-2019 12:12 PM
  10. Moved: CHCH Shooting - Please read

    Started by Spanners‎, 15-03-2019 09:31 PM
  11. Moved: My proposal for gun law change

    Started by Ultimitsu‎, 17-03-2019 04:19 PM
  12. Moved: Questions for our Aussie Members

    Started by oraki‎, 18-03-2019 06:56 PM
  13. Kaitaia Gun Club burnt down

    Started by nightowl52‎, 19-03-2019 12:10 PM
    advice, auckland, automatic, barely, calling, christchurch, clay, club, gun, guns, hunting, ipsc, lefty, news, pistol, poi, police, radio, rifle, semi, shooting, target, top, tussock
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 1,593
    19-03-2019, 08:23 PM Go to last post
  14. Moved: By Order in Council

    Started by Recoil‎, 19-03-2019 12:29 PM

    Started by 40mm‎, 17-03-2019 11:48 AM
  16. Moved: FREEDOM : - 1 of 6 Good Things

    Started by ChrisF‎, 16-03-2019 03:17 PM
  17. Moved: In the wake of ChCh - How we can help

    Started by ubique‎, 17-03-2019 12:31 PM
  18. In-ear plugs/protection

    Started by janleroux‎, 17-03-2019 05:11 PM
    auckland, buy, chainsaw, club, cost, facebook, google, hearing, iphone, pistol, protection, rushy, safe, shooting, shot
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,013
    17-03-2019, 06:38 PM Go to last post


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