Forum: Shooting

Range reports, long range, target shooting, technique, it's all here.

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,362
    26-10-2014, 03:14 PM Go to last post
  1. range etiquette in chch

    Started by ANTSMAN‎, 14-10-2014 11:17 AM
    .22, away, bay, chrony, deer, development, load, loads, low, member, projectiles, range, reloading, rifles, roar, rounds, shoot, shooters, sighting, tac, target, turn, velocity
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,921
    17-10-2014, 10:27 AM Go to last post
  2. Newbie needs help setting up.

    Started by Jackangus‎, 07-10-2014 12:40 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    .22, 22-250, 2208, 223, 260, 300, 4-16x44, 5.56, 54r, 556, 7mm, 7mm rem mag, accurate, ammo, aperture, army, auto, blade, bolt action, british, bullets, buy, caliber, cheap, dial, f-class, fired, firing, hale, hamilton, humor, hunting, injury, ipsc, iron sights, jacket, license, long range, match grade, models, newbie, opticsplanet, parker, parker hale, peep, range, rem, rem mag, remington 700, rifle, round, russian, scope, second hand, semi, semi auto, shoot, shooting, shot gun, sight, sights, skinner, sling, smallbore, south island, target, target shooting, welly, win mag
    • Replies: 69
    • Views: 8,421
    12-10-2014, 10:20 AM Go to last post
  3. Anyone heading out to the Auckland range tomorrow?

    Started by Waterpig‎, 20-09-2014 03:49 PM
    .22, .223, .270, .308, 140g, 270, 308, auckland, buy, chrony, deer, earmuffs, fmj, heading, load, loads, member, poi, range, rifle, rifles, rounds, smk, sst, stalkers, supressor, targets, thank you, troy
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,743
    10-10-2014, 11:08 PM Go to last post
  4. Seven Sharp "Girl With A Gun"

    Started by cambo‎, 01-10-2014 10:30 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    300, 3006, 308, club, gun, leupold, match, pistol, range, sharp, shoot, shooters, shooting, shot, son, sounds, tale, toby, wanted, win
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 3,730
    03-10-2014, 04:07 PM Go to last post
  5. Tragic accident

    Started by sako75‎, 01-10-2014 10:47 AM
    223, 300, accident, block, bullet, case, deer, firearm, hunting, news, red, safe, sako, shooting, shot, travel
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,764
    01-10-2014, 07:30 PM Go to last post
  6. Should my 223 rounds light up like tracers??

    Started by specweapon‎, 30-09-2014 10:41 PM
    223, 308, air rifle, bullet, deer, federal, matt, pcp, projectiles, range, ranges, richmond, rifle, rounds, seat, shot, spiker, target, travel
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,458
    01-10-2014, 11:26 AM Go to last post
  7. Shotgun gunsmith

    Started by physeptone‎, 24-09-2014 11:48 PM
    axe, choke, firearm, google, gun, gunsmith, lake, mossberg, poi, road, rotorua, shotgun, smith, tac
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,188
    30-09-2014, 07:31 PM Go to last post
  8. 308 Ammo

    Started by Dino‎, 28-09-2014 12:08 PM
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,503
    28-09-2014, 07:27 PM Go to last post
  9. Nice quiet 6.5x284!

    Started by Matt2308‎, 10-09-2014 10:07 AM
    6.5, book, cal, custom, ear protection, guns, long, long range, quiet, range, rifle, safe, shoot, shooters, shot, silencer, stock, trademe
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,044
    26-09-2014, 05:17 PM Go to last post
  10. Ashburton opening day

    Started by Cyclops‎, 24-08-2014 10:44 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 3,070
    22-09-2014, 07:27 PM Go to last post
  11. Old IPSC vid

    Started by ebf‎, 22-09-2014 01:50 PM
    ipsc, young, youtube
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,274
    22-09-2014, 02:52 PM Go to last post
  12. Another LR Proficiency Test

    Started by Norway‎, 17-09-2014 01:58 AM
    away, chamois, competition, deer, gear, longrange, norway, rabbit, ranges, rings, shoot, shooting, shot, target, test, ute, youtube
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,589
    18-09-2014, 08:11 AM Go to last post
  13. Tactical denfense classes

    Started by Beetroot‎, 09-09-2014 07:42 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    222, 3 gun, 403, advice, ammo, axe, bags, bb guns, blank, body, bolt action, bright, bullets, clays, courses, delta, die, discovery, duck, duck shooting, face, firearms, gear, goat hunting, guides, gun, guns, handgun, holster, hunting, hunting., ice axe, laser, loading, mag, mags, muzzle, ninjas, north, pistol, range, rig, shoot, shooting, shot gun, shotgun, sling, stalking, tac, tactical, target, techniques, training, usa, youtube, zombie
    • Replies: 59
    • Views: 7,371
    17-09-2014, 07:58 PM Go to last post
  14. Hoppes

    Started by veitnamcam‎, 11-09-2014 07:12 PM
    303, case, cleaner, eliminator, gun, gunsmith, half, hook, range, rifles, safe, smith, stock, synthetic, test
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,458
    16-09-2014, 04:17 PM Go to last post
  15. How you doing @Popshot

    Started by Philipo‎, 09-09-2014 02:15 PM
    2 Pages
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    blaser, club, competition, face, hunters, philipo, poi, ridgeline, shoot, shooters, shooting, shot, sounds, target, targets, tikka, tikka t3, win, young
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 3,080
    13-09-2014, 01:15 PM Go to last post
  16. F Class front rest

    Started by stuart165‎, 16-08-2014 08:46 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 5,200
    13-09-2014, 11:23 AM Go to last post
  17. Repetition of basic marksmanship techniques

    Started by Norway‎, 09-09-2014 08:47 PM
    bullets, hunting, hunting., long, long range, pressure, range, reload, rifle, rounds, shooting, target, technique, techniques, thank you, trigger, winter, winter hunting, youtube
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,389
    10-09-2014, 09:15 PM Go to last post
  18. Range near New Plymouth

    Started by Grue‎, 25-08-2014 08:56 PM
    .22, 44mag, 4x4, action, boat, club, drive, hook, lever, lever action, license, long, lost, mag, member, mosin, nzda, open, pistol, pistol club, plinking, range, rifle, rifles, scope, shoot, shooting, sight, sounds, target, winter, zeroing
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 5,151
    08-09-2014, 12:30 PM Go to last post
  19. balistic tip vs soft point on deer 7mm-08

    Started by simontrevor‎, 31-08-2014 08:36 AM
    3 Pages
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    140gr, 20g, 7-08, 708, 7mm, 7mm-08, 870, accurate, ammo, balistic, barnes, billy, bullet, bullets, cost, creek, deer, dies, fps, frangible, goats, half, hornady, load, lost, nelson, open, opinions, poi, press, ranges, reloading, remington, rifle, shoot, sight, silver, slug, slugs, sounds, speer, sst, stock, stocks, super, swede, targets, tracking, winchester
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 7,144
    05-09-2014, 09:02 PM Go to last post


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