Jeez guys. Let it go. Far out.
@Preacher, don’t let it get to you mate, this has happened several times already, I searched for Nathan Foster on here a while back cos I’ve had a bit to do with him and wondered what kind of response his work would get from the forum cynics. Wasn’t surprised when I saw all the hate going back a while, from a few not the majority, goes with the territory these days.
But that said I just don’t get it. Reading Foster’s website or books is no goddam different to going to the fucking library for christs sake. Acolytes? Come on mate, reading a reference book and finding something interesting, informative and educational does not make someone an acolyte. It makes them a reader. Of a book. Or a website. Its called self improvement. Foster’s got his views, most of it is sound, some of it is a bit wide of the mark to my mind. His website needs a complete refresh and some of his more “passionate” stuff could do with an editor.
But guaranteed if a learner followed his books 100% they’d end up a lot better off than if they relied on advice from an internet forum or some old past-it fart down the local pub.
Nathan’s an interesting character, straight up, what you see is what you get. Bit spiky for some, outspoken, sometimes a bit full of himself and certainly set in his ways and opinions. But he knows his stuff, he’s a fine shot and he is an ardent supporter of the hunting sports, and he’s done some good work.
Sound like anyone else you know? Your wife probably knows someone just like him.