Your not wrong though.......
The world has changed and so has the shooting scene, shooters are not interested in doing the same dicciplanes over and over anymore. They want change - and on a regular basis. Proof of this can be seen in the huge growth in PRS compared to any other shooting disiplane.
I'm of the opinion that NZDA should focus more on getting members involved in range activities. Developing new and updated disiplanes that will capture members interest and draw them back to the range(s) on a regular basis.
In a recent poll, by a shooting enthusiast in our area, 75% of respondents indicated that they would rather want to see more practiacal/field/PRS type shooting compititions to be hosted by their local branch.
Keep the 4P disiplane for it does have a place, but evolve and refresh to stay in touch with the shooting scene today..