I’ve been following Ron Spomer for a while, would appear he knows what he’s talking about, the myth surrounding the power of knockdown energy
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I’ve been following Ron Spomer for a while, would appear he knows what he’s talking about, the myth surrounding the power of knockdown energy
FFS this was done to death...50-60-70 years ago....think it was Matt Grant who set up a wooded box on stand with pencil attached to scribe on paper when box moved...shot box..pencil moved...put but plate on box,fired shot...pencil moved....threw cricket ball at box...and it moved the most of all.
in theory a 110grn hp from 30/06 delivers more energy than a 180 grn...but delivery in a 1" deep dinnerplate sized crater doesnt kill well.....a 1" wide 12" deep hole kills very well.
Have a read ( google) of Nathan Fosters 'Game killing fundamental's'
the difference there how much resistance there is to the projectile. If the bullet can deliver all the energy then it would move the box a lot.
Ultimately though if you fire the gun and cant knock you over then the bullet cant either. Equal and opposite reactions and all that
These were standard Winchester blunt pellets.
About 25 years ago I compared standard pellets (CAC maybe?) to the Daisy pointed hunting pellets over the chronograph, the hunting pellets were heaps slower. I reckon the "skirt" was too small and they didn't seal properly.
on the likes of rats/birds the pointed ones go straight through...the flat ones hit with a POP. Im using cheap winchester pointed ones,in the same plastic container they were in 30 years ago.....basic waisted air rifle pellets.... they kill blackbirds on back lawn fine....will get rounded ones next time. takes some time to use 500 up 1 shot at a time.
Ron Spomer has some good knowledge. Have watched a few of his videos too.
Ron spoomer is a bloody spoon.
Not even going to click the link.
Really? Did he dis the 308? :P:P:P
6.5 x 55 swede, 140gn amax. And what more do you need? :)
And Ron is a spoon.
Still haven't heard why he's a spoon.
Well if it's any consolation, I use one too as my primary hunting rifle. Each to their own.:thumbsup: