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Thread: Left eye dominant shooter, left handed rifle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Left eye dominant shooter, left handed rifle?

    Hi team,

    Left eye dominant/left handed shooters, is it worth getting a lefty bolt action or just make do with the right handers?

    I'm left eye dominant/right handed so shoot my bow, .22 and shotty left handed which works a treat however I'm looking at getting my first bolt action and it feels a bit odd/slow working the bolt on regular right hand rifle from a left handed position.
    Do many of you opt for the left handed rifles?

    Cheers in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    South Island
    I'm left eye dominant and my rifles are right hand. I shoot them left hand no problems. A left hand rifle (bolt) would feel awkward for me having grown up with right hand rifles.
    tetawa, Phil_H, mimms2 and 2 others like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    My right eye doesn’t focus properly so I shoot right handed rifles left handed. Shooting left handed rifles feels odd to me being right handed. Well use to how I shoot now and have no problems.
    Hoonigan08 likes this.

  4. #4
    NRT is offline
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    I have over the years got left bolts ,but I carry on right shoulder so the bolt digs into back .Just got a 308 BLR and it feels dam good to carry and work the bolt ,I went ok using a right handed bolt in my younger days ,each to there own do what feels the best.

    Sent from my Nokia 7 plus using Tapatalk
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  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Well I'm cack handed, and do most things except write, shear and swing a hammer right handed. I'm left eye dominant and shoot right handed. Eye dominence doesn't really have anything to do with it just shut your left eye and the other one takes over. Ultimately what feels most comfortable to you is more important.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Godzone, South Island
    It all comes down to muscle memory. From very early on, most people assume you mount a rifle/gun/bow on the right side, without any thought of checking for eye dominance. Then when left eye dominance is recognised, its difficult to change that muscle memory. I see it so often with parents so keen to teach their kids that they insist the child shoots right handed. Then when asked to help improve the Childs accuracy or some problems, I find the child has left eye dominance.

    If you have limited muscle memory or it feels odd using a right handed rifle, I would suggest you get a left handed rifle as soon as. Practice mounting and using it left handed and it wont take long until your muscle memory is all left handed. And then your mates wont want to borrow your rifle, which is a bonus.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Gisborne Rural
    my boy shoots my my rh guns fine and he shoots left handed. He knows no better.
    My neighbour is left handed and said hes bush gun will be always a left bolt but when he buys hes next magnum gun it will be right handed.
    hes reason was your general hunting you might need that quick reload so he will stick to a LH gun but when it comes the longer range hunting you have more time to set up etc.
    More options out there for right handed guns
    Hoonigan08 likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    I've got a lazy right eye that's weak as piss so no other option than to shoot lefty unfortunately. As I've only shot a bolt action a handful of times just thought it'd be good learn on one orientation and stick to it. Might just have to head into the local store and shoulder a couple and see what feels the best! Cheers for the insight mate!

  9. #9
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    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky1600 View Post
    It all comes down to muscle memory. From very early on, most people assume you mount a rifle/gun/bow on the right side, without any thought of checking for eye dominance. Then when left eye dominance is recognised, its difficult to change that muscle memory. I see it so often with parents so keen to teach their kids that they insist the child shoots right handed. Then when asked to help improve the Childs accuracy or some problems, I find the child has left eye dominance.

    If you have limited muscle memory or it feels odd using a right handed rifle, I would suggest you get a left handed rifle as soon as. Practice mounting and using it left handed and it wont take long until your muscle memory is all left handed. And then your mates wont want to borrow your rifle, which is a bonus.

    Yeah mate, I've always shot left handed but never had much experience with bolt action rifles so figure it's better to start on one orientation and stick to it just to build that muscle memory working the bolt etc.
    Thanks for the reply mate.

  10. #10
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Watch Ian McCallum forgotton weapons for anow idea of how a leftie can manipulate a bolt.
    Dago and Hoonigan08 like this.

  11. #11
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    I'm left eye dominant and my rifles are right hand. I shoot them left hand no problems. A left hand rifle (bolt) would feel awkward for me having grown up with right hand rifles.
    I'm the same as Allizdog. I shoot right-handed with my left eye shut.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by NRT View Post
    I have over the years got left bolts ,but I carry on right shoulder so the bolt digs into back .Just got a 308 BLR and it feels dam good to carry and work the bolt ,I went ok using a right handed bolt in my younger days ,each to there own do what feels the best.

    Sent from my Nokia 7 plus using Tapatalk
    Those 308 BLR's look mint. Enjoy mate, thanks for the response!
    timattalon likes this.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    You beat me to it. Like you say, just shut your left eye. Some people think way to much about simple stuff.
    Haha I would if I could mate! My right eye can't focus for shit unfortunately.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Left handed and use tikkas with left hand bolts.

    Will add that if using a rh bolt on the left shoulder try and make use of bipod / tree branch / truck bonnet etc to rest foreend on. With right hand on bolt and left hand on trigger, sight picture is maintained.... bunnies are in trouble with my cz455
    57jl and Hoonigan08 like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    If you shoot left handed pay the extra couple hundy and get a left handed bolty, you will never look back. I started with a right handed rifle which worked fine but having gear that actually fits makes life alot easier.
    ebf, Shearer, inozz and 1 others like this.



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