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Thread: Legal range question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Legal range question

    Now and again my mates and I go up to a friend's farm and fire off some bullets to zero our rifles before a hunt. It's safe and we're shooting against a very big and very steep hill away from the direction of all other habitation. Nearest house is more than 650 meters away in the opposite direction.

    But down below the farm and a couple K's away is a lovely coastal village full of gluten-free millennial mums. They can hear the gunfire, they've mentioned it many times, and I'm guessing next time we shoot or the time after that they'll be ringing the police to complain.

    What are my options? Do I even need options or can we do what we want (safely) on farmland?

    A guy on a Deerstalkers facebook page suggested I call the police in advance to let them know I'd be shooting, thereby defusing any complaints that might come. Makes sense. What do you all think?
    Steve123 likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Giving the local police a ring is always a good option, If they get complaints they have to come investigate which is a waste of time for them and you.

    Depending on how well you get on with the local police, inviting them out to have a look at the set up/range you use could be an option? That way they can say yes they have seen what the noise is about and happy with how things are being conducted.

    Why not invite the Greenie soy hippies up to join in, you are interupting their meditation anyway so why don't they come join the fun.... Or not
    YosemiteSam and dannyb like this.

  3. #3
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Less than 130 km from the sea
    I wrote this post 3 years ago, I dont think much has changed s

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    I just read on Stuff that the Court of Appeal has decided that a gun range in Auckland has to stop operating. Allegations were made of gun owners intimidating locals etc. and if true that does not help the image of the law abiding gun owner.

    I remember the days that I saw someone walking down Lambton Quay with a backpack and a gun on top of it. And a few months later guys driving through the main street in a small rural town on their dirt bike with a gun across the handle bars. And having to go to the police station to have the serial number checked of the gun that you just bought. And no-one thought anything of it.

    These days it may be prudent to put a silencer on your rifle and adjust your sights during times when there is noise around. Wind direction can have a large impact and unfortunately you want little or no wind to adjust the sights. Not good. Perhaps have someone liaise with these mums and let them know in advance that you will be sighting in your rifles prior to a hunt "because you want to do a clean kill and not unnecessary wound an animal and have it suffering" so they are warned. And if you do the shooting during the middle of the day then "you are not waking up their babies" etc. I do not know, just throwing some thoughts out here. As Sun Tsu mentioned in his book "the art of war" it is better to bend and deflect than go hard against it. End of my venting, peace.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterM View Post
    I just read on Stuff that the Court of Appeal has decided that a gun range in Auckland has to stop operating. Allegations were made of gun owners intimidating locals etc. and if true that does not help the image of the law abiding gun owner.
    This is just my opinion but considering that ASC has been subjected to continual harassed since its inception by people in the surrounding area, it strikes me as suspiciously convenient that an allegation of intimidation by firearm owners has been made.

    Particularly in light of the CHC events.
    Steve123, Deetleaves, 40mm and 1 others like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    [QUOTE=PeterM;820426]I just read on Stuff that the Court of Appeal has decided that a gun range in Auckland has to stop operating. Allegations were made of gun owners intimidating locals etc. and if true that does not help the image of the law abiding gun owner.

    I remember the days that I saw someone walking down Lambton Quay with a backpack and a gun on top of it. And a few months later guys driving through the main street in a small rural town on their dirt bike with a gun across the handle bars. And having to go to the police station to have the serial number checked of the gun that you just bought. And no

    I'm/was a member of ASC and that article was a complete fabrication of lies, from a reliable source like the "Spinoff" of course. There's just no way anyone form that club would even be bothered painting a swastika on the neighbours and considering make up of club even more unlikely. Does it not just all seem all too convenient after events?
    Would love to put the neighbour on a polygraph or I'm sure you will find a can of same paint in their garbage.
    The journalist, if you could have called them that would have known was all made up as well I have no doubt about that.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterM View Post
    I just read on Stuff that the Court of Appeal has decided that a gun range in Auckland has to stop operating. Allegations were made of gun owners intimidating locals etc. and if true that does not help the image of the law abiding gun owner.

    I remember the days that I saw someone walking down Lambton Quay with a backpack and a gun on top of it. And a few months later guys driving through the main street in a small rural town on their dirt bike with a gun across the handle bars. And having to go to the police station to have the serial number checked of the gun that you just bought. And no-one thought anything of it.

    These days it may be prudent to put a silencer on your rifle and adjust your sights during times when there is noise around. Wind direction can have a large impact and unfortunately you want little or no wind to adjust the sights. Not good. Perhaps have someone liaise with these mums and let them know in advance that you will be sighting in your rifles prior to a hunt "because you want to do a clean kill and not unnecessary wound an animal and have it suffering" so they are warned. And if you do the shooting during the middle of the day then "you are not waking up their babies" etc. I do not know, just throwing some thoughts out here. As Sun Tsu mentioned in his book "the art of war" it is better to bend and deflect than go hard against it. End of my venting, peace.
    All quite wise, thank you.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimitsu View Post
    I wrote this post 3 years ago, I dont think much has changed s
    Oh yes, I remember that thread. An absolute classic in the details of it. Thanks, I thought of it but would never have found it.

  9. #9
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    This is just my opinion but considering that ASC has been subjected to continual harassed since its inception by people in the surrounding area, it strikes me as suspiciously convenient that an allegation of intimidation by firearm owners has been made.

    Particularly in light of the CHC events.
    On the news tonight regarding this story, apparently club members had been harassing surrounding neighbours and a swastika was spray painted on a sign alluding that it was gun owners (How convenient right?)

    How they came to this conclusion I am unsure.

    What I am sure of is that a national smear campaign is under way against FAL holders and it's disgraceful.
    40mm likes this.

  10. #10
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    On the news tonight regarding this story, apparently club members had been harassing surrounding neighbours and a swastika was spray painted on a sign alluding that it was gun owners (How convenient right?)

    How they came to this conclusion I am unsure.

    What I am sure of is that a national smear campaign is under way against FAL holders and it's disgraceful.
    I would love to smear Jacinda, but dirt does not stick to dirt.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  11. #11
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Invite the lovely ladies up for a shoot. If they take offence at the invite then they are rude.
    If they politely decline then they are decent human beings and should be treated as such.
    If they accept then they are a rare breed and should be captured and kept safe until someone can figure out how to replicate them. (roughly quoted from the crazy hot matrix)
    Steve123, YosemiteSam and Cordite like this.
    Use enough gun

  12. #12
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YosemiteSam View Post
    Now and again my mates and I go up to a friend's farm and fire off some bullets to zero our rifles before a hunt. It's safe and we're shooting against a very big and very steep hill away from the direction of all other habitation. Nearest house is more than 650 meters away in the opposite direction.

    But down below the farm and a couple K's away is a lovely coastal village full of gluten-free millennial mums. They can hear the gunfire, they've mentioned it many times, and I'm guessing next time we shoot or the time after that they'll be ringing the police to complain.

    What are my options? Do I even need options or can we do what we want (safely) on farmland?

    A guy on a Deerstalkers facebook page suggested I call the police in advance to let them know I'd be shooting, thereby defusing any complaints that might come. Makes sense. What do you all think?
    First shot will wake her from her meditation/sleep, she may not even realise it was a shot which woke her up. Second shot she will definitely identify as a shot, and with second or third shots she will also know the direction of the sound. So when you sight in, space shots well apart in time. More appropriate for hunting sighting-in anyway i.e. you want to know where the cold barrel sends a bullet.
    YosemiteSam likes this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  13. #13
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    I would love to smear Jacinda, but dirt does not stick to dirt.
    She shouldn't get a FAL if she applied for one, put it that way. She may or may not have recent psych history that would preclude her from getting one
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    a distant time zone...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    I would love to smear Jacinda, but dirt does not stick to dirt.
    It's not a smear if it is the truth...


    "This is at the Youth Socialist conference, she was the president in 2009, and she used the word “comrade” 15 times in eight minutes. Fifteen times. Twice a minute. Once every 30 seconds. Comrades this, comrades that. Comrades means something..."

    Communists & guns: we need to understand that her comrades ruling China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, and other communist countries have never stopped at partial restrictions on private ownership of guns.

  15. #15
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sightpicture View Post
    It's not a smear if it is the truth...


    "This is at the Youth Socialist conference, she was the president in 2009, and she used the word “comrade” 15 times in eight minutes. Fifteen times. Twice a minute. Once every 30 seconds. Comrades this, comrades that. Comrades means something..."

    Communists & guns: we need to understand that her comrades ruling China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, and other communist countries have never stopped at partial restrictions on private ownership of guns.
    You've fucked up my breakfast again

    Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk



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