Thanks. Learning lots of new shit from a few of you on here
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Have a wee read at this link Toby.
There is an elementary explanation of most of the top barrel makers techniques in an easy to read format.
Well worth turning into a sticky on a reloading/ ballistics page somewhere.
When I get back to work I'm going to print it off and keep it in the orchard workshop as I'm always forgetting who is using which cut process in their rifling manufacture.
Can't believe I just read something that long on xmas day haha, good reading though.
You will never regret reading that Toby, often on a reread you pick up info you missed first time around
I think I will forget it but its saved with about 60 other links to gun related stuff if I need it again
Testing at the range :D
Attachment 5553
Is it comfortable shooting off those benches?
oh and is it ok to clean up the cut on a lathe? or am I better to file it down?
If you are not sure on the final quality then cut off less than you really want, you can always cut it back further if you are happy. Also the bit you cut off can be used for practice. Gunworks often sell offcuts for people to practice with too.
You dont need to use a lathe to face and crown the end of the barrel, after hacksawing to correct length , get a decent combination square and file the end square then finish it off with some fine sandpaper for a bit of shine. Then use a brass screw with some valve lapping compound for the crown. Bit of bluing compound afterwards maybe. Can use CRC on your hacksaw blade there always seems to be a can around
sweet then, I have bluing stuff gotta get crc and lapping paste stuff, crc never last long with my brother and the old man wasting it on shitty engines, they need more guns in their life.
In reguards to the concern about CZ and losing the restricted/choked muzzle end and losing accuracy when you shorten .
Donot worry about it , as in reality , you will not notice any difference in accuarcy , in the UK about the most common mod done on the CZ rimfire rifles is to shorten barrel down to 12 inches for a silencer , and they have no accuracy problems doing it .
Later Chris