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Thread: Look for a farm around auckland to do target shooting. happy to pay 200 per hour

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I would of thought there would have to be at least a designated area as well, surely it would have to have some distinguishing features (the fixed targets) and some safety stuff as well.
    may be sarcastic may be a bad joke

  2. #32
    Member -BW-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by blip View Post
    Not trying to start a fight or any thing but what would be the requirements it has to have to be conclusively considered a range?
    If you mean, ‘considered a range’ in an approved legal sense? Then it has to be inspected by the clubs & ranges approved inspector, with the necessary fees paid and range standing orders written up.

    If you mean, ‘considered a range’ in sense that you can be prosecuted for use of an unapproved range; then it doesn’t need to have anything at all. Just a bare paddock. If you are conducting shooting activities that are not sighting in or hunting, then FSA clubs and ranges will consider it an illegal range.

    That being said… this part of the legislation may be changing again… maybe

  3. #33
    Member -BW-'s Avatar
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    Jun 2019
    If you want more detail about what it takes to pass the inspection. To have a range approved, talk to @Marty Henry, as he has been through the process.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Ngaio, Wellington
    Meet me just south of Bombay Hills, slip me two hundred and hop the fence! I'll keep watch!



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