3 Attachment(s)
Making a timber rifle stock
Righto team,
I shot a novelty target competition last weekend and though I did ok, there was some inconsistencies.
I shoot a standard t1x 20" for rimfire. I yanked out the plastic thingy that is fixed to the stock just in font of the chamber, and added enough 240gr SWC projectiles to the butt to balance it on my support hand. Shoots ok.
Normally I don't take targets home, but his being a fun /novelty shoot I did, which is the cause of the current project. I shoot with a sling when competition allows, attached to where the normal sling swivel is. In prone it shoots same POI as when on front and rear rests. But I had been struggling on the standing. I often shoot standing without a sling for silhouette practice, but when I shot with a sling I was often surprised that results were below what I felt I was capable of.
But after taking photos of a few targets and finally taking one home I think I may be on to something. Standing with a sling the rifle tends to place the shots 1-2" low right of center (you can even see where i over compensated). Likely the stock is twisting or moving or something is happening??
For better or worse, let's see if I can mitigate this by making a stock. Unsure of what timber it is, it's a pale waxy feeling timber, grain looks very alike kwila, but yellow/white and about as dense. I filpped and rotated every second 25mm strip, so let's see how it goes.
Also a quick shout out to Mr Zero Pak, he is an advertiser here and put a vac pack machine up for a prize on the day, much appreciated.
Thanks Lars Attachment 238331Attachment 238332Attachment 238333