Cool project, look forward to seeing the end result.
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Cool project, look forward to seeing the end result.
Attachment 238974
Making more progress today, too bloody hot to do real work today.
Ready for a sand and a coat of poly.Attachment 238978Attachment 238979
Plenty of meat left to trim out if needed. I'll get the first coat of poly on and try get it out and shoot next weekend. Hope to do some inlay work after the sealer coat.
well its definately "different"....but if its what you intended,good job.... I DO KNOW how hard the process is,and your results are far better than my,now how did Dannyb describe it??? bit of wood with rifle bits inserted,think it was..
Build is complete, butt to be modified if required, first test is this sunday. Also, if anyone knows why a t1x bolt won't go into battery I would appreciate info. Action screws are not too long, not the safety, the bolt isn't uncocked, it's stopping 15mm sort of closing, seems to be binding on the front portion of the bolt, asking for a friend......
Attachment 239323Attachment 239324Attachment 239325
ask your "friend " to try it out of stock...... if it goes together...revist those screws maybe.
Havent got a scope rail screw sticking down to far by any chance?
Same scope rail as what was previously on the rifle, but it can't hurt to check. I had a bit of trouble getting the bolt to go forward the other day, but it jiggled closed, not so lucky this time. I'll look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes I think. Pull it to bits, start trying to eliminate things.
Problem solved. Removed action from stock. Removed scope. Removed scope rail. Removed mag well. Removed trigger assy. Still Problem persists. Inspect action -OK. Inspect bolt, takedown pin protruding. Problem solved. Assess user, dork found. Assemble rifle, function- OK.Attachment 239388
Range report Sunday evening.
thats whats known as a ID10T error.....and we all make them... great you got to bottom of it so easily. look forward to range report.
Just got back from the range today with the new stock. S far its not a miracle cure for my poor performance haha. I did a 4 position shoot. bBottom left prone unsupported, bottom right sitting, top right kneeling, top left standing. All positions were lower than I would normally have scored, but not by a whole lot. After shooting the first 4 positions I moved the scope forward an inch, that made things far mire comfortable.
The stock does feel far more comfortable for that type of shooting than the original. So hopefully after a bit more familiarization I should be beyond here I was previously, maybe maybe I'll be able to justify buying .22 ammo that costs more than $90/brick.
Attachment 239629
Standard 50m NZDA target.
ok so now you have tested YOURSELF...stop pissing around and try it with a decent damped prone and see how it goes....untill you KNOW the rifle is capable of making a tiny wee group you are litteraly pissing into the wind trying it from less than perfect rest position.