I use hold over reticle on my main goto .22 and my main goto CF as well. In many ways it can be the most simple ballistic compensation (it just doesn't work at any given distance, only at certain distances).
I just think of it as holding over like I normally would have back in the day when duplex or post and wire reticles were all that was around.
The only difference is that instead of measuring holdovers off the animal (which can vary in size) you are measuring holdovers off dots which are repeatable. i.e. if you know that at a given range you need to aim about 40cm high, instead of holding 'somewhere just above' the deers spine, you can use one of your lower dots that corresponds with that aiming point, then it won't matter if the deer is large or small.
Granted there will be distances where the POI will be somewhere between two dots, but having reference points is still better than guessing somewhere on a straight line.
Neither of my holdover scopes are FFP, they are both 3-9 and if I need to hold over, I am taking a shot where they are wound up to 9x anyway.
Another way to think of it in simple terms is
Even if you only know at which distance POI corresponds with the first dot down, then you know, that out to that distance, the first dot down should be somewhere below the target, at that distance it should be on the target, beyond that distance it should be above the target.