Ok looking at Mini14 "A" cat, for quick take down of Fallow deer and possums at 80m to 120m.
Go bigger cal or sufficient cal for the job ???
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Ok looking at Mini14 "A" cat, for quick take down of Fallow deer and possums at 80m to 120m.
Go bigger cal or sufficient cal for the job ???
Good enough cal. I reckon you should consider a bolt rifle. It ll probably be way more accurate . Not saying Mini 14 are not accurate but
I ve seen 223 rifles in bolt action that drill 10 cent pieces all day at 100 + mtrs... Be the same or less coin to get set up..
Get an AR if you want a semi auto
Hmm I already have bolt action .223, with reasonable scope and suppressor, good for longer shots, but was looking at snap and shoot at close range.
After taking my first deer the other night, with my .223 bolt, I could have easily had both deer, but wasn't quick enough on the reload and finding target again with scope at short range.
My thought was small 2.5x or red dot or just open sights at sort range to get off a couple of good shots, but was concerned that the semi auto may lack stopping power.
My thoughts to the Mini 14 was I did have a M1 30cal carbine many years ago, and found it bloody reliable and good for scrub shooting pigs in Oz.
I believe the gas systems are the same type and not too much goes wrong with them, but have seen on the forums that AR's tend to have issues with the gas blocks ??
I have both an AR and the new model mini 14 with a 2-7 redfield. Have used both for hunting and the AR is defiantly more accurate. But the mini just feels handier in the scrub when hunting and is plenty accurate out to 150m.
Good caliber 223 is great for what you described.
You would be better with an AK or an AR, better parts availability.
Nah no issues with the gas blocks, every gas block gets hot that's just normal.
And of course what Brand AR15, there are so many, what is junk and what isn't ??
A good 99% of "problems" you hear about with AR rifles it nonsense. You can get them for around the same price as a Mini 14 these days. Much better accuracy potential and quicker, smoother follow up shots, cheaper and more available mags etc
Don't get a Chinese made Ranger from Gun City if you want a quality AR. Digit sells a range of models so it would be worth giving him a call as a starting point.
If your hearts set on a mini 14 try to get one in 7.62x39 slight overkill on posssums but steps up easily to reds if you need to. As has been said before overkill is underrated.
used a mini 14 for goats culling and took the odd fallow as well....using 55gr hornady sp from Belmont. ....never missed a beat in the 3 hard years I used it.....all shots were inside 100meters
As a former Mini-14 owner, there are things you learn to hate about them - mine being a modern one it shot well enough, 2" groups was the norm but they're not the quietest actions out there, actually, it was like cycling a howitzer...
And don't expect to find any ejected brass, they typically end up somewhere beyond the horizon.
Hmm not that fresh, but I like what I have read about the Ruger AR556 but disappointed that no one really stocks Ruger or appears to be a direct agent, that I'm aware of.
Web searching is a waste of time no real leads except the USA and freight plus customs+ rifles cost just doesn't do it for me :(
Just buy one locally. Of what is readily available in the country right now I would recommend - Stag, Spikes or Windham.
fuck no
I would recommend them if they were advertised at half the price they are.
To think that they used to sell them for 10k at GC
I haven't heard of them, and my understanding is they are bits from all over the world, from companies I have never heard of. So what makes them so good ?? and the price tags are reserved for those who can afford it.
What happened to buying a tool to do the job at reasonable price ?? and I'm not talking Chinese junk either.
I would stick to buying American or the canadaian model(NEA) the Chinese rangers aren't worth the money they are asking. A forum member gundoc gave the ranger a good review with different brands of ammo and got very good accuracy. The finish of them is fairly rough but they do work. Duno the quality of the metals used in them and how they will last over time.
AR's are slowly coming down in price since the panic form two years ago. You can now buy Canadian for around $1600 new & American for around that price as well. Or you could always build? It's cheaper.
As for your original post; something that you can bring to your shoulder quickly and is compact, buy/build an SBR on the AR platform.
Like this:
Attachment 35543
I have one & it's a true pleasure to shoot. Points very well and is comfortable to shoulder quickly.
Is this ok for an AR15 Double Star AR15 5.56mm | Trade Me ??
I don't know too much about the double stars, have heard they are pretty good. Perhaps someone here has one & could enlighten you.
Here is a very nice Spikes Tactical carbine, good quality ar's
Double star is ok. Same as Stag etc.
But how about mini-14. I do like that style and the sound and planning to have one use for some small games and close encounters in bushes next year.
ARs are cool, but is the AR15 really as accurate as a bolt action? What does we mean with this?
No doubt an AR15 may do 0.5MOA off sandbags / benchrest... but how does it compare with freehand shots off the shoulder with no elbow support?
AR15s, like AKs, are hammer + firing pin setups so have longer lock time (trigger squeeze to ignition interval) than bolt actions. So on an unstable platform I'd not expect them to be able to be shot as accurately as a bolt action of 'equal' accuracy.