@Tentman Cheers mate, I don't see an point in exaggerating the truth with this sort of thing, results are results and they are what they are.
I'd agree with you for the most part with the accuracy @ 100m. I have a scope with half mil dots on my CZ 452, which when zero'd @ 50m the holdover works out to 65m, 75m, 85m, 95m, 105m etc per half mil at full magnification, I tested these holdovers I found the accuracy dropped off significantly with hollow points around the 85m-90m mark. Might have just been the conditions or me though.
However with the testing I did with the 1416 (sorry for harping on about it), it did produce some pretty good results @ 100m and 150m.
I think I posted these in my original thread but here are a few targets from 100m testing. It didn't seem to have the accuracy drop off I'd had previously with other rifles but it could just be I got lucky and the sample size is not really big enough.