This should really be in the "things I hate thread"
if you use the Cable Bay Rifle Range, THE LAND OWNERS GOATS ARE NOT FUCKEN THERE AS LIVE Targets for YOU to shoot
Been shooting this morning and found a dead goat in the scrub beside the 200 Targets, had been the arse end
Spoke with the owner and he told me he had to go put another one down on Friday which had the jaw shot off.
I really hope this is none of the members on here as we are lucky to have a range like this to use where you can also shoot to 600m and also have steel plates supplied to shoot at. Especially given all the rubbish, shot up bottles etc left behind by users
This is the second time this has happened, I would guess its the same people. Gives us responsible shooters all a bad name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you know who is responsible for the dead goats then I am sure the landowner would like to know.
If you read this and are the person responsible then man up and own up to the landowner and take your medicine