In a practical sense it doesn't mean anything if they don't hit the target with the first shot what's the point, in the real world you generally get one chance to hit your target be it animal or human
shooting boxes of ammo at a distant steel plate might be fun but is of little value, trying to dope the wind at 4500 metres is a matter of luck not skill,
I have shot both full bore an F class at times you have the wind going in three directions between you and the target even at 600 metres what would it be at 4.5 Km,
The top full bore and F class shooters can get a first shot centre hit on the target at 1000 yards but not every time, miss judge the wind by 3 MOA and you score a 2,
If hunting an animal would try and shoot it at 4.5 Km or drive 4 Km closer