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Thread: New gun, nowhere to test it..

  1. #76
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Well this thread was quite the read....did you ever find anywhere to shoot? Im in Auckland and have spoken to Waiuku Pistol Club. They told me there was a waiting list and that I had to have had my FAL for one year before they would consider me. It seems the Auckland Deer Stalkers and North Auckland Deer Stalkers are the only options until this new range opens next year.

  2. #77
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Lol, this thread was just like the ones on American forums where folks get offended if you call them a silly billy.
    Dundee, Daggers_187, TimK and 1 others like this.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TimK View Post
    Well this thread was quite the read....did you ever find anywhere to shoot? Im in Auckland and have spoken to Waiuku Pistol Club. They told me there was a waiting list and that I had to have had my FAL for one year before they would consider me. It seems the Auckland Deer Stalkers and North Auckland Deer Stalkers are the only options until this new range opens next year.
    Basically, this. But don't expect unlimited access to ASC from the very beginning, it's designed around pistol shooting 1st, 3 gun 2nd, other stuff 3rd.

    Best option is a friendly farmer, or a new friend
    Steve123 and TimK like this.

  4. #79
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    Basically, this. But don't expect unlimited access to ASC from the very beginning, it's designed around pistol shooting 1st, 3 gun 2nd, other stuff 3rd.

    Best option is a friendly farmer, or a new friend
    Yep I have spoken with them and looking forward to a potential coaching programme/services. I have a nice new AR15 I haven't shot yet I have land I can use in Puhoi, but the locals weren't to impressed when I took my Tikka there. So decided against trying again.

  5. #80
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimK View Post
    Well this thread was quite the read....did you ever find anywhere to shoot? Im in Auckland and have spoken to Waiuku Pistol Club. They told me there was a waiting list and that I had to have had my FAL for one year before they would consider me. It seems the Auckland Deer Stalkers and North Auckland Deer Stalkers are the only options until this new range opens next year.
    Was this for pistol training as well as rifles and shotguns? Sounds like I was lucky I joined there when I did.

  6. #81
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimK View Post
    Yep I have spoken with them and looking forward to a potential coaching programme/services. I have a nice new AR15 I haven't shot yet I have land I can use in Puhoi, but the locals weren't to impressed when I took my Tikka there. So decided against trying again.
    Was it suppressed? Puhoi used to be a cool place. Has it turned into Lifestyle lawns now? I'm glad I moved south when I did.

  7. #82
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    Was this for pistol training as well as rifles and shotguns? Sounds like I was lucky I joined there when I did.
    This was just to join, I do want to do the pistol training. But it seems ill wait until next year.

  8. #83
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    Was it suppressed? Puhoi used to be a cool place. Has it turned into Lifestyle lawns now? I'm glad I moved south when I did.
    We had a supressed 223, a supressed 308 and an un-supressed 308. Can get out to about 200m on the property, and the neighbours are fine with it. The man who took the time to come walking up the road looking for the noise was the one not impressed. It was also mentioned on the local Facebook page. Its close to town/church (it was a sunday morning) so I kinda understand. I did wonder if we were actually breaking the law?

  9. #84
    Member Fawls's Avatar
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    Ummm, is there a law against being louder than church bells?
    res and TimK like this.

  10. #85
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimK View Post
    We had a supressed 223, a supressed 308 and an un-supressed 308. Can get out to about 200m on the property, and the neighbours are fine with it. The man who took the time to come walking up the road looking for the noise was the one not impressed. It was also mentioned on the local Facebook page. Its close to town/church (it was a sunday morning) so I kinda understand. I did wonder if we were actually breaking the law?

    1 - discharges a firearm? Yes.
    2 - in or near a dwellinghouse; or a public place? Yes
    3 - so as to endanger property or to endanger, annoy, or frighten any person? Yes. You annoyed someone.
    4 - without reasonable cause? Maybe. Define 'reasonable cause'. What is reasonable to you, or the shooting community may not be reasonable to the person you annoyed, nor the judge.
    veitnamcam, Feral, TimK and 1 others like this.

  11. #86
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post

    1 - discharges a firearm? Yes.
    2 - in or near a dwellinghouse; or a public place? Yes
    3 - so as to endanger property or to endanger, annoy, or frighten any person? Yes. You annoyed someone.
    4 - without reasonable cause? Maybe. Define 'reasonable cause'. What is reasonable to you, or the shooting community may not be reasonable to the person you annoyed, nor the judge.

    Hmmmm, rural, farmland, but yes.. I do see your point and even though the owner and his neighbours are happy to have us back, I haven't since done so.

  12. #87
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    'near' is deliberately undefined as well. And nowhere does it say that the person you've annoyed/frightened/endangered needs to be the owner/occupier of whichever dwelling you were 'near' when such offence was caused.

    It'd be a long shot, but if you were 'near' your own house, and a passer-by walked past (on the road - a public place) and was frightened, then the above conditions have been met. It will all boil down to how close you were, and if you had reasonable cause to be discharging the firearm.

    Plenty of threads on here about people having run-ins with crazy/unreasonable/anti-gun neighbours while shooting on their own property. Cops get called, guns get confiscated in a guilty-until-proven-innocent kind of way.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post

    1 - discharges a firearm? Yes.
    2 - in or near a dwellinghouse; or a public place? Yes
    3 - so as to endanger property or to endanger, annoy, or frighten any person? Yes. You annoyed someone.
    4 - without reasonable cause? Maybe. Define 'reasonable cause'. What is reasonable to you, or the shooting community may not be reasonable to the person you annoyed, nor the judge.
    You might have missed the wording "so as to". Meaning that the discharging of the firearm was in order to "endanger, annoy, or frighten any person." So unless his intention was to annoy the neighour, he did not commit an offence under s48.
    Last edited by Koshogi; 17-10-2016 at 07:17 PM.
    gadgetman, stretch and TimK like this.

  14. #89
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    The might have missed the wording "so as to". Meaning that the discharging of the firearm was in order to "endanger, annoy, or frighten any person." So unless his intention was to annoy the neighour, he did not commit an offence under s48.
    I'm aware that's one way to interpret it, but has it been tested? The other interpretation is the simple cause-and-effect link.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  15. #90
    Member TimK's Avatar
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    Another situation a few years ago. Wayyy out the back of coatsville, shooting a 22 and a shotgun on friends farmland. Armed police arrive after being called by neighbours. Sight a FAL and let us go on our way, no worries - turned out the closest neighbour was banned from owning Firearms.



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