Just brought it from Trademe, its in a very good condition, Love it, especially the walnut stock and cheap ammo
Just brought it from Trademe, its in a very good condition, Love it, especially the walnut stock and cheap ammo
Neat wee guns, Mine got converted to 6.8SPC, it comes along on a lot of "missions" haha
love to see how to convert it to 6.8 SPC, my CZ is purely for plinking and iron sight fun![]()
rebarrel is involved.....so $5-900 worth LOL
75/15/10 black powder matters
Haha, I got my CZ 527 in 6.8 for a song and after I was given about 1000 rounds of ammo by a ex skid biter who'd handed in his AR. Must be the most economical rifle I own and one of the longest lived in my cabinet (and I'm a closet Ryan Songhurst or Phillipo "exchanger"!)
I have a spare cz magazine for it if you want. Brand new in its packaging.
I can do it for $100 plus shipping.
These were very popular in Canada back when we could get cheap milsurp ammo from Russia. The embargos have ended that, and they come up for sale quite often now. Handloaded with good bullets they make an excellent bush gun, simmilar to a .30-30. Barnes makes a nice bullet for them.