Hey team,
Interesting shoot today, three shot/four position match at 200m. Best three sighters at 50m also count. Other rules were "any rifle, any sights, any cal"
So, with the OK from the club, and being the competitive fella I am, I threw caution to the wind and the 6BR stayed in the safe, less it's scope of course. At 6am this morning the scope got fixed down on top of my dearly neglected .338 edge. I did bring two other rifles just in case there was a coup over slightly excessive cartridges.
First part of the event was sighting at 50m, as I was in the second detail I got to watch it unfold. One shooter in the first detail had a radial brake n a .270, and soon scattered the shooters to his immediate left and right. For context, it's an unwritten rule that muzzle brakes are not allowed, and are almost never seen there. It is not an actual rule, only actual rule is that if you shoot with a brake you will have no friends, which I was ok with.
Second detail was only half full, and myself and another fella had a whole five person bay to ourselves and our two braked rifles! Five minutes to sight in a rifle and get three scoring shots? Easy. Kinda. Turns out the 6BR had a 25 moa rail and the .338 had a 20moa rail, so I was about 4 minutes high, I hadn't taken out the zero stop, so I had to hold under 4 minutes, works OK. Put on a bit of windage and three decent scoring shots later I was done and there was no dust left in the area.
First detail now shot at 200m, 3x4 shots prone, sitting, kneeling then standing. While they were at it one of the lads asked how I get on shooting my rifle standing with a 30" barrel. I hadn't really thought this through, putting faith in honesty being the best policy I had to answer "I've only ever shot it off a bipod!!" First two shots at 200m went well high, then i remembered to hold under four minutes, what followed was some average to mediocre shooting with something that shouldn't be shot in a positional match. But it was fun, all involved enjoyed the shoot and to a lesser extent my contribution. Great day, great company, thanks all.