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Thread: NZDA prize shoot

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Northland Waipu

    NZDA prize shoot

    Hey team,

    The Taupo prize shoot was a couple of weeks back, I made the pilgrimage from Whangarei, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

    Was my second ever competition away from home branches, so I was a little nervous. The only person who I had even met before was Hamish, our new VP, who I had only met a couple of times, luckily shooters are a great bunch, it was like being with mates from the get go (except for not remembering any names).

    I entered C in the graded, as was recommended having shot two whole seasons, and the hunter class, shooting my girlfriends. 223. The day ran smoothly, each of the four positions in the two classes being it's own detail, so we all finished at about the same time, which was nice.

    I did very average in the hunter class, no idea how my partner soots that rifle, but was quietly confident in my graded score. Before the standing I had a peek at the scores, which I shouldn't have. Nerves and a bit of embarrassment/guilt, I probably shouldn't have entered C grade, as I was up with the A grade shooters.

    After a little masticating on some jerky to simmer down before the final event (I'm not counting my hunter class) it was time for standing. It was 36 or 38/50, probably my best ever!, couldn't be happier.

    The day concluded with the best range feed I've ever had, an more of it than I should, mixed in with the usual post shoot grumblings. 163 points in the graded, and low enough to be 16th in the hunter class, but the 163 did get me first in C grade and second overall.

    Pretty proud, I send a message to the rifles owner previous about my score and placing, who of course said he will give me some pointers to do better next time...... Thanks Bryn.......

    Many thanks to the sponsors and organizers,

    veitnamcam, Trout, Tentman and 7 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Nice report, good to hear about people's experiences. I recently competed in. A shoot, part of which was other NZDA 200 yard target, I'd forgotten how demanding it is in the unsupported positions.
    Larrygoat likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2023
    New Zealand
    The Taupo prize shoot is a well run shoot and has been going for a long time.
    I liked the new target they used for the shoot, when it was compared to an older official NZDA 100 centrefire target all the scoring rings were larger on the new target, which helps with the scores.

    Since then I found out the National office has taken over selling the targets and getting them printed, whoops seems someone stuffed up and the price of the target has increased from 80c each to $1.80ea.
    This is based on the price I paid for the last targets I bought and the price on the NZDA website, shooting is getting awfully expensive these days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    It used to be 140-150 would win the Big Balls when it was that.

    Are there new targets with bigger scoring rings or are shooters all just better than they were ?
    Its a backward step if scores werent consistent with years’ gone by.

  5. #5
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    It used to be 140-150 would win the Big Balls when it was that.

    Are there new targets with bigger scoring rings or are shooters all just better than they were ?
    Its a backward step if scores werent consistent with years’ gone by.
    It seems what happened was some bright spark on the NZDA national executive ordered these targets without consulting the Competitive Shooting Committee and managed to get the target size wrong, in short it was a stuff up, because of this they cannot be used for any national or regional competition.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  6. #6
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    May 2023
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    It used to be 140-150 would win the Big Balls when it was that.

    Are there new targets with bigger scoring rings or are shooters all just better than they were ?
    Its a backward step if scores werent consistent with years’ gone by.
    Yes all the scoring rings were larger, the 10 which should be 11mm is now 15mm.

    I love the thought of these shoots that have been going for many years, and like many shoots that had large numbers turn up in the past the participation numbers are declining.
    Which makes me ask why?

    Is it lack of available time, lack of promotion or a combination of reasons

    I remember hearing stories of 200+ at NZDA National positional shoots and people taking home firearms and many other products......what happened?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 19Badger View Post
    I love the thought of these shoots that have been going for many years, and like many shoots that had large numbers turn up in the past the participation numbers are declining.
    Which makes me ask why?

    Is it lack of available time, lack of promotion or a combination of reasons

    I remember hearing stories of 200+ at NZDA National positional shoots and people taking home firearms and many other products......what happened?
    All of the above would be my guess. People being time poor, clubs seem to be declining in general, more instant gratification-based society, perception that more "gear" is needed, difficulty settings such that people are fearful of being shown up, etc. But also, I don't think the NZDA 4P shooting has moved with the times and progression of their core audience (i.e. hunters). Most of the NZDA clubs offer more "practical" style shooting competitions that are more for "hunters" (whatever that means these days with the vast range of what is considered by some to be a "hunting" rifle).

    I used to compete NZDA 4 position a bit a few years ago but basically not at all now. A decade ago I won the first Big Balls competition at Taupo with my .243win (100gr projectiles) and at the same event won B grade to place second overall with my 22LR on about ~175points. Back then I was actively practicing 4P shooting with a sling but without all the jackets, pants, and boots, etc..

    I have moved on to other shooting disciplines now - looking for more variety and a more dynamic discipline (hence I am chasing the SPARC series events at the moment). Personally, I don't have the focus / drive to pursue what I see as a very static shooting sport (i.e. same positions, on similar flat ranges, at the same targets with the same gear / rifles) that ultimately doesn't reflect the bulk of the shooting I was doing then or still am doing when hunting. Don't get me wrong though, NZDA 4P shooting teaches excellent and fundamental unsupported positional shooting techniques that apply very well to shooting out in the hills (e.g. position and support mechanics, trigger control, visualisation, natural point of aim, etc) - but bipods, scopes & reticles, hand loading, etc. have come a long way in the last decade and more... NZDA 4P shooting is great as a standardised national shooting competition but personally I think the NRL22 model is better suited to our current society / community.

    Sorry, a bit off topic I suppose.
    But well done Lars for making it along and 163 is a great score! My father, who taught me to shoot, made it along this year to Taupo as well. I believe he took out the hunter competition and did ok in the graded shoot as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    Cost of ammunition prevents me from doing this kind of thing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Northland Waipu
    Yup, it definitelyis a factor. The graded at this event allowed .22, so people could have gotten away with a box of .223 and a box of .22lr.

    Entry fees are high, but for a day's entertainment, rolling lunch, a big feed of roast pork/lamb and some top notch scones it was well worth it.

    Thanks Lars

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Greetings all,
    I shot the Prize Shoot at Taupo just once in 1987. Finished well back in the pack but really enjoyed it. I always intended to go back and shoot it again in the 1990's and early 2000's when I was shooting better and had better kit but never did. Local interest in round target shooting has dwindled to nothing but there still seems to be interest in the Wilkinson Deer Target matches.
    On a lighter note the 100 metre range I frequent has received it's certification. I spotted that it lasts for 5 years and pointed this out to our head RO who had not spotted it. After a short pause we both had a good laugh. I will have turned 80 by then and he well north of that.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Trout likes this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    That's interesting to hear.
    I was helping on the Butts and the targets used were considerably thicker than normal. Much easier to staple. Previously the staples would drive through the target if the coreflute was collapsing.
    We didn't notice the size discrepancy.

  12. #12
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    May 2023
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by pennyless View Post
    That's interesting to hear.
    I was helping on the Butts and the targets used were considerably thicker than normal. Much easier to staple. Previously the staples would drive through the target if the coreflute was collapsing.
    We didn't notice the size discrepancy.
    Sit the old target and the new target beside each other and the size difference is noticeable without even measuring them.
    The extra thickness increases the cost of the target and the cost of shipping more than doubling the cost.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Greetings again,
    I dug through my records to find that there were 90 shooting the 4P 100 and 200 metre match in 1987. There were also 60 shooting the 60 shot prone match. I also shot the centre fire running boar but do not have numbers for that. At about the same time we would regularly get 15 to 20 shooters to our club shoots and the Wilkinson even more. What has changed? We used to shoot with pretty basic kit as that was what we had. The top National shooters had much better kit and their results reflected both that and the may hours of practise they put in. Today we are told, by the manufacturers, that if we buy all the flash kit this will make us better shooters both on the range and in the field. This is bullshit of course as the endless practise needed is not mentioned. With shooting from a rest it is easier to shoot reasonably well at the closer ranges but as the ranges get longer it is more difficult. And then there is the wind.
    Steffan likes this.

  14. #14
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    May 2023
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Greetings again,
    I dug through my records to find that there were 90 shooting the 4P 100 and 200 metre match in 1987. There were also 60 shooting the 60 shot prone match. I also shot the centre fire running boar but do not have numbers for that. At about the same time we would regularly get 15 to 20 shooters to our club shoots and the Wilkinson even more. What has changed? We used to shoot with pretty basic kit as that was what we had. The top National shooters had much better kit and their results reflected both that and the may hours of practise they put in. Today we are told, by the manufacturers, that if we buy all the flash kit this will make us better shooters both on the range and in the field. This is bullshit of course as the endless practise needed is not mentioned. With shooting from a rest it is easier to shoot reasonably well at the closer ranges but as the ranges get longer it is more difficult. And then there is the wind.
    People want everything given to them and don't want to work for it, and most are embarrassed if they don't shoot as good as others say they do.
    With the high animal numbers now you don't have to be a good shot to get an animal, if you miss this one there is another just around the corner.

    Personally, I don't think enough emphasis is put on being a competent skilled shooter to make clean kills on game.
    Talking to someone recently that runs a 100, 200 & 300 event as the distance increases the scores decrease and quite typically for some to such an extent, they would miss an animal or wound it.
    Usually, those people don't come back to shoot another match.

    I don't think shooting has to evolve from the basics, there needs to be variety to keep people interested and engaged, but I also think there needs to be some "coaching" and some importance put on the skill of shooting.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 19Badger View Post
    People want everything given to them and don't want to work for it, and most are embarrassed if they don't shoot as good as others say they do.
    With the high animal numbers now you don't have to be a good shot to get an animal, if you miss this one there is another just around the corner.

    Personally, I don't think enough emphasis is put on being a competent skilled shooter to make clean kills on game.
    Talking to someone recently that runs a 100, 200 & 300 event as the distance increases the scores decrease and quite typically for some to such an extent, they would miss an animal or wound it.
    Usually, those people don't come back to shoot another match.

    I don't think shooting has to evolve from the basics, there needs to be variety to keep people interested and engaged, but I also think there needs to be some "coaching" and some importance put on the skill of shooting.
    Having "operated" (basically Ive been the only person brave or stupid enough to put out a schedule of events) the old NRA range here for nearly 10 years now after having been a hunter for 50 plus years and a target shooter for 40 or more I don't think basic marksmanship has gotten any worse.

    However as we have moved from a competitive environment of shooting for score to a more individualistic approach not all range operators have changed with the times.

    We started shooting steel on our range about 3-4 years ago but it's only just this season I've been sucessful in offering shoots that really have gotten the guys/gals enthusiastic and returning regularly to shoot.

    The most popular things we do revolve around a couple of key factors, they are based on you-tube shoots so shooters can see how they're done, they have a scoring system that is very simple and does allow a "shoot for score" element, we take care to make sure they start with a large enough gong that everyone can hit and we keep the round count very modest. There are about 400 NZDA members in Southland who are associate members of the range (so free use) and we see very few of them but I don't really think that's an issue, they will come in due course!
    nor-west, Trout and 19Badger like this.



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