This line here "For example there are three principle problems which are part of a wider issue about whether or not the distinction between MSSAs and other semiautomatics firearms (rifles and shotguns) is sustainable or enforceable"
Seems to indicate changes are afoot with regards to semi auto ownership. It may not be a dumb idea to buy an E cat safe and stock up on spare parts for any semi autos you may own.
The key issue I see is the existence of both A and E category firearms of the same type. Being the Devils advocate here, there are many accessories and gun parts being imported legitimately for A category firearms that can be readily used on E category firearms, which circumvents, even unintentionally, the strict controls on MSSA parts that police have always desired. All of these parts can be used to easily convert any semi auto to an MSSA configuration, off or on the books. When the law was written and implemented, even up until the 2009 fiasco, the idea of bolt action rifles sharing the same stocks, grips, mags etc as AR15's was pretty obscure. It's now mainstream.
It is apparent to anybody with half a brain the the MSSA restrictions are a joke. The law is so easily broken or circumvented that the restrictions are almost only ceremonial to those interested in being on the right side of the law. There is no real control over MSSA's. The control factor only effects those who actually care about the law enough to follow it, and practically any semi auto in existence can be converted to an MSSA. Even a lowly 10/22 or cheap semi auto duck gun.
The line of being sustainable and enforceable is interesting. It gives off a vibe of "the horse has bolted, our control methods have failed". It will be interesting which way they decide to go with this. I can't see any change being good for us. If they decide to say can the MSSA definition by looks and focus soley on magazine capacity perhaps...they may find life a little easier. If they decide to go full retard and reign in all semi autos I predict they will open up a can of worms that see's an exponential increase in the number of "grey" and illicit guns "out on the street".