the UN -a standing joke on planet earth!the five biggest arms manufacturers and distributors(illegal and otherwise)are all security councilcore members who run the bloody show simply by vetoing anything impinging on their own agendas.
they also owe the bastard outfit billions ,but if the UN as much as squeaks about it theyre told"fuck off and wait''.of course if those debts arent settled the organisation goes tits up kaput bankrupt immediately.what ta fuck to do then .
all this arms b/s is just that without arms we're all ripe for the plucking fact Id bet my left ball the chinese and russians could give a flying fuck about so called meningless UN firearms sanctions ........ok bin it another 100,0000 AK47s ready to be consigned to lebanon or the other festering pimples in the middle east.
actually the yanks arent far behind and with herr trump(thump)at the helm-they'd only need to look at him the wrong way and they could be turfed out their ivory tower in new york!!
and whilst im at it - systolic posting some bloody MSM article which fixaes on free standing pistol grips in MSSA'a
insert and goggle the following ..0000164074 shes a long read but justice jillian mallon doesnt mince em in ripping the police policy makers a new arsehole ,after "gundoc" completely blew them outta the water as expert defence witness.
if the shiney arsed biro pushers at PNHQhave forgotten that then time a few were quietly moved to thew local mental health unit under sec 30 mental health act.
im happy to do the second opinion free of charge!!