Little miss 12yr old is getting keen to shoot her first deer so I have been trying to get in some range time with her using my suppressed howa mini as an introduction to centerfire.
She has shot the .22 plenty and also the 17hmr when I had it no worry at all but we all know that the substantial increase in noise of even a suppressed 223 takes a bit of getting used to.
Miss 12yr old has shot the 223 off the bench using a rest before but that is a lot different to shooting prone over a bipod in the field.
To help her get used to where to aim I printed some a3 targets of a deer with a red dot roughly where she should be aiming.
The deer outline is about the size of an a4 sheet.
We had a talk about safety and how a rifle is only dangerous when there is a bullet chambered and a finger on the trigger, we also talked about the fact we dont chamber a round till we are ready to shoot and the finger doesn't go anywhere near the trigger until she is steady and ready to take the shot.
After her first few shots I gave her some more advice about gently squeezing the trigger rather than "pulling it" she the got it and it was like flicking a switch.
She shot the below group (yellow x's) after watching me shoot the group marked with white x's at 100y then followed that up with smoking the 6"gong at 230y.
Bloody kid is a natural after very little instruction, she did however pay me the ultimate compliment telling me I make it look easy and it's a lot harder than it looks.....made my day.
Will try keep up the range sessions once a week and hopefully get her out for a fallow inside 100y before years out once she is confident and 100% consistent.
So far so good