Any link to that?
(Plurry double post …!)
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Colfo commented details on a facebook post but I can't find it. The complainer named in the article is a convicted drug dealer that lost his firearms after police worked with the range.
Gotta love the free advertising...
For those curious, yes they found a loophole in that the public access to Hori Bay beach via the Hori Bay bridge is not NCC owned but LINZ/Crown owned - meaning its not actually public from the councils perspective and we had to get a traffic engineer out to assess it.
From a noise perspective, Our nearest neighbour is 630m away, under the nelson rules you can use explosives within 500m of a residence (eg quarry blasting) and have aircraft commercially within 200m of a residence or 500ft as per CAA rules.
We have a NZ standards compliant sound reader and have great fun testing our gear particularly how quiet different brands of suppressors are - and we are compliant with NCC rules with a muzzle braked 50cal at 147m from the firing point.
As law abiding citizens, us and our members are happy to work with NZ police to help take illegal guns off the street and out of the hands of criminals - its just a shame that the council entertains the false complaints.
If you're keen to check out the range or just support us then we have a membership option on the website that gives you access to the booking calendar and other things.
Our memberships are from $260/year (no range fees after that), we host various competitions and offer lessons, plus we also have 5-star accommodation on-site and can help you organise a getaway with a bit of range time too ;)
Just found the forum when someone sent it to me so I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the website... google it I guess.
Since when do you own a blackout? I'm selling mine soon if you need one
Hmm just watching all the NEW MEMBERS posts coming out of the top of the SouthIsland.5 star accommadation on a rifle range.hmmm
Whichever side of the argument you are on here, please refrain from posting unsubstantiated rumour, or insults. As firearm owners (and adults) we maintain a standard of responsible behavior and maturity.
I'm sure this matter is well worth discussing, as it effects us all in some way, but have some standards while doing so. Otherwise, you do yourself - and any particular community you may represent - a great disservice.
Attachment 203568
Haven’t been there myself but a few Marlborough Deerstalkers Members have been a couple of times and reckon it’s not a bad setup, with some challenging targets. Heard they’ve got accomodation on the property but again no personal experience. Good on him for having a go, we need to encourage more shooting ranges. and
I just googled it and must say it does look very impressive.
Looks a good set up,too crowded for me.
For us city plebs, it looks like where you go in the afterlife after being a very good person!!!