Amazing. He knew that the range was there when he brought the place. I'm so sick of this shit. Next thing the range will be closed down due to one whinger!!
Amazing. He knew that the range was there when he brought the place. I'm so sick of this shit. Next thing the range will be closed down due to one whinger!!
Karen is gender indecisive.
Use enough gun
As a local, non club member and shooter. I see both arguments.
The property is reasonably close. Only about 200 250m.
The key being he had lived there for 2 years with no complaints. He was obviously happy with the noise levels when he brought the property. It was once a neighbouring property removed their trees that acted as a sound barrier. So it's not the clubs doing nor is it him “being a karen"
The club is acting within its resource consent as far as I'm wear with noise levels. So it's not their fault. It will be frustrating for both parties.
Nothing stopping him from planting trees / creating some form of noise barrier. But that will take time obviously.
Problem being is if the council do something about it it sets a precedent for other clubs, businesses etc.
Much more acceptable than the firearms business owner who moved next to a gun club then organised the neighbours to complain.
Update. I missed the sound engineer said the pines wouldn't of done much for noise suppression when i have heard of them being used as sound barriers in the past. But there would be much better alternatives.
I wonder if over time he has become sensitive to the noise. And using the trees as an excuse to complain.
I have shot there a couple of times and they are very strict about no shooting until 9am.
That muppet is following the lead of a lawyer that bought a house just over the hill from Trentham, the national range in Upper Hutt that's been there since Adam was a cowboy. Rightly, his noise complaints got nowhere.
Is he a school teacher or a polytechnic tutor? I can’t work out which.
Trees offer very little if any in the way of noise mitigation
It’s all in the head that if you can’t see it you can’t hear it….
The precedent for this sort of behaviour was set in the Courts years ago with the Rod & Gun Club in Palmerston North.
I'm drawn to the mountains and streams, its where life is clear, where the world makes most sense!
I thort as you got older you got deafer,ah,what i cant hear you,you said something,bugger i missed that.![]()
Is it a case of buy cheap because of the shooting club/speedway next door and then whine so your property value skyrockets when the club gets shut down?
What was the precedent set in Palmy?
They miss all their close neighbors and go back.