Hey @
My Grandad was ext WW1 vet. Fought in Yepres and Passchendaele (3rd battle of Yepres).
When WW2 came along he was now living in NZ tried to re-enlist. But they decided to have him train the troops going out. He did this for around three years I think.
With four years of WW1 under his belt he had more than a little experience. He said that grenades killed more throwers in WW1 than thrown at. He used to train the guys in how to correctly throw the 11 second Mills grenade. There was quite the art to doing this so that the enemy solider could not throw it back at you. (There is that scene in Saving Private Ryan where they are attacking the machine gun nest where you see this happening)
Anyway one day along comes some top brass who where there to see how the new batch of troops where coming along. They walked up to the tench where he was going through the live fire exercise.
He pulls the pin and droops the grenade on the ground. Well the Brass of course just run for cover. Grandad very calmly bens down picks up the grenade and throws it out of the training tench into the blast crater. The Brass are all like are you bloody mad???
He then explains why he trains them to do it this way.
Most panic when they pull the pin as they lose count and then throw it in the wrong direction, our it bounces off something. This way by dropping it on the ground in a controlled way you have time to retrieve it and get it to where it needs to be with out it coming back.
Officers are not amused.
Anyway I wont bother you with his unarmed combat drills......but they did save this falla from more than one kicking.:)