Gents, those of you that shoot cast bullets, what are your go-to cleaning products for removing leading?
I tried Collings No.90 solvent, and a stiff copper brush in my .38 revolver but its not doing the trick. Any tips?
Gents, those of you that shoot cast bullets, what are your go-to cleaning products for removing leading?
I tried Collings No.90 solvent, and a stiff copper brush in my .38 revolver but its not doing the trick. Any tips?
You will always have some lead in the barrel. Just because a patch comes out with a bit of grey does not mean there is problematic leading.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
1/ lube your bullets
2/lube your bullets
dOnt push them too fast, over 1400 fps gas checks do help a bit.
4/ alead is soft, bronze brush will remove leading use kerosene as a lube for the brush.
I shoot thousand of cast bullets with zero leading but thats because I powder coat everything. When I didnt powder coat I used to occasionally get a barrel full of lead in 44 mag heavy loads. Removal of the lead was achieved with some dowling of nearly barrel diameter wrapped in fine steel wool. Had to be careful not to have the dowling too long as it can break inside the barrel due to bending and snapping. (bugga) forcing the tight as dowling thru the barrel back and forth worked a treat. The steel wool never harmed the barrel,just shined it up.
Get a brass scouring pad and pull some threads off.
Wrap them around your brush and clean away.
With those powder coated loads do they still expand? Looked at those black widow projos because they're cheeeap as chips. I'm a bit worried that they wouldn't do the job is all sorry if I hijacked this at all.