That's the style and yes it's easy to loose rounds on the carry especially if bush bashing. Micky will be disappointed to see it's not a drilling but I still like it though.
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I've always shot rifles since an early-age start with an air rifle. Borrowed a semi-auto shotgun about 2 years ago to clean up peacocks and turkeys around the farm, now I'm hooked. Gun fit is EVERYTHING. I can hit clays as well with a $1000 Akkar as I can with a $8000 Beretta. My rifles still come out for a crack, dust off and a clean, but I shoot clay targets every weekend (trap, sporting or skeet). For ammo costs, I find it cheaper to run a shotgun on target loads than it is to plink for an afternoon with the .17HMR or .22mag. The cost of clay targets negates that however. Here's my haul from the last club champs. Attachment 236335
Rifles are the main go. Mainly been doing rimfire at the moment due to the cost. Claybirds are fun but I can't get the practice time in at present so I've flagged that for now. It's fun but I'm not that good at it and no point spending $200 at club days when it feels like I'd have more luck throwing shells at the targets.
Me - a rifle man through and through. Rifle in hand = me in my happy place.
Have had flings with shotguns and never mastered them. Full of admiration of those who handle smoothbores with finesse. Some display levels of talent I can't begin to comprehend.
I was always a rifle shooter, until I won the black powder clay shoot at the Taranaki BP Club 30 years ago.
Started on rifles, air, rimfire and Center fire. Always had a shotgun for once or twice a year social clays . Have shot service rimfire and centre fire pistol matches. Always gravitate Bach to rifles though. Hunting and rimfire 3P shooting comp each week.
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@Micky Duck the mythical beast+and part of my sock as a bonus). The aperture seems to be about 150 m and the tangent 100 for the rifle barrel at least. Don't fire this prone, even a bench is bad. The target is 50 m with slugs and the rifle same poa. I used the aperture, the slugs were the lee 1oz ones apart from the odd looking hole which was one of those air rifle pellet jobbies. I've considered a red dot but at this stage for shits and giggles, goat's and rabbits it's fine. Oh I also have a 9mm insert for the shotgun tube, so it can be a true "double rifle" ha ha ha
very nice mate...very nice indeed. a load of #7 buckshot in other barrel would be my choice for goats....its not a load we see a lot of but is rather good on the smaller critters..was devastating on wallabies.
I've been given 10 kg of bbs they should be quite entertaining
hell yes....they are devastating at close range,Ive seen wallabies dropped at 50 yards plus..and thats our big ones not the overgrown rats you lot have up there...a 36grm load of them through a full choke is just nuts up close....I would rate its lethality right up there with very best loads for usage we not allowed here..... but if I said wolves or cougars breaking into cabin in woods I would suggest they would be ideal.
shot many big canada geese using them very best was 5 from 6 rounds....raining honkers LOL.
would be about 85% pistol shooting for me, proabably around 10% rifle and the remaining 5% the shotgun, most of that out of a SxS coach gun just for fun
I don't get out much now, owing to lack of opportunity, but some of the best fun I've had was with a Winchester 5 shot pump, 18.5" barrel, shooting rabbits in the scrub on the river bed. As others have said, technically it kicked like a mule, but I never noticed owing to a good hold, and my focus being on the target. Just like this one, but with rifle sights.Attachment 236387
Both, I would shoot pistol too if I had the oportunity.
Both, used to do a lot of clay shooting at school, always shot better shooting skeet which helps a lot when it comes to ducks and upland game.
Do more deer stalking now and don't shoot past 300 yards. I'd say I'm not bad at both but probably much better with a shotty due to actually taking part in comps where success is measurable.