With my 7mm mag I'm getting a good group at 100m but at 200m the group is 35mm to right and at 400m the group is close to 130mm to right.
I'm using a bipod off a bench rest with a sand bag at butt.
Could my problem be I'm not holding my rifle plum?
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With my 7mm mag I'm getting a good group at 100m but at 200m the group is 35mm to right and at 400m the group is close to 130mm to right.
I'm using a bipod off a bench rest with a sand bag at butt.
Could my problem be I'm not holding my rifle plum?
Is your scope level? If it's not level you'll be dialing on a angle
What wind conditions? What bullet?
What scope? Does it track straight? Are you shooting such that the reticle is plumb?
What does your zero look like at 100m?
How many shots to determine MPOI? Where is MPOI? At zero, and at 200 and 400.
In an extreme case (and lots for you to che k first), my mate had this on his rifle.
The rear holes in the reciever for the scope bases were out a touch to one side.
Bugger all I might add.
He was shooting long range way further than you.
Managed to get a carbide end mill the tapping size for the next size up screws, as I said, not by much, and it cleaned up.
He did a lot of checking and soul searching before he did it.
And yup it was it.
It was kicking the scope off in such a way that even though it was centered it threw them off further out.
You might have something similar?
Is your scope square to the reciever?
What sort of mounts, if they are the old school twist in with adjustable rear, maybe they need looked at
Dead calm.
Berger 150Gr. Classic hunter.
Leupold VX 2-10 X 42CDS-ZL2 30MM Duplex
Not sure what "track straight" is, but locked down rifle/scope this morn. to check vari power POA at 140m through 2-10 power. OK.
Plumb reticle? Rain and wind got up so I could not check after shots this morn.
I only fire 2 shots as shots at 100m and 200m are 20mm apart.
My question is, if I say I am holding my rifle (right handed) with a scope lean to the left will that make my impact point go to the right and if so, further right, as the distance increases?
PS Rifle is a Tikka I bought new, well looked after but never used at more than 200m. Not interested in using CDS.
Scope is not level or not mounted aligned with the bore.
That is, if your rifle consistently shoots this way and you can discount wind or other factors.
When you say dead calm - what are you using to assess that? 1 m/s wind full effect would give you maybe 6cm of drift at 400. 1m/s is not very much wind.
Re: tracking straight - does the scope track in a straight line dead vertically ? is the tracking aligned with the reticle.
2 shots at 100m doesn't give you enough information to be confident in your zero. It might be good or it might not - could easily be a click or 2 off. Especially if you are basing your MPOI at longer ranges off equally small samples.
You must have a curved barrel. :thumbsup:
As other have mentioned.
2 shot groups don't tell you anything. You need 5 shot groups.
Check scope is level with receiver with something better than mark 1 eyeball and zero it at 200m. Not 100m
In my view a 100m zero is better - easier to be precise and insignificant shift from environmental change.
Check out this how to mount a scope the right way from Paramount Tactical
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Your scope reticle needs to be level to your rifle and your rifle needs to be level when fired.
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I have my own range, more sheltered and closer to my smoko room.
Out to 400m if I choose. Kinda funny cos I can't ever recall shooting a deer over 220m.