This has ended up an interesting thread. I disagree a little to what has been said about different shooters using different rifles. This is only my personal experience, I have shot a few friends rifles and never noticed any difference. Even had a mate who couldn't shoot his own very well, asked if I could have a crack and put the bullet in the center. I have set a number of rifles up for friends and helped them sight in and never seen a point shift. A mate jumped behind in my 300wsm at the time. He hadnever shot it before. He shot a few goats at varying distances. I believe as long as the person knows how to set scope up properly then there won't be any difference. If the shooter is having issues then it will come down to technique, which of course can be rectified. Cheek pressure is the usual culprit.
Not every Gun specialist at those retail shops know what they are doing. It pays to ask lots of questions. Having seen these set up by Hunting and Fishing staff and Gun City staff I would never recommend them setting one up for you. River's to Rangers in Rangiora I would say would be a great option. I don't know the guy but have read his multitude of articles and heard good things about him and his store. I think this a cool option for those that are short on time and access.