Just reading the long method above.
For hunting rifles I always set up eye relief in the standing position. Unless it's a lesser scope with large change in eye relief thru power change that will accomodate most shooting positions. And lets face it, for shooting out in the sticks, in some weird positions you'll never get a perfect eye relief at the 100yd range for all situations.
Don't know how someone else can do this on your behalf?
For my F Class (prone) rifles, I set up eye relief laying on the lounge floor looking out the ranch sliders.
I bore sight on an power pole insulator around 80 metre away and then add 1 minute.
I can get on to a a4 sized target at 100yd with first shot and in theory be zeroed in under 5 rounds. This relies of a rifle of good quality, I had a mate with a rifle that we bore sighted and it still missed the target. Went ahead and zeroed it but something was weird. Banana barrel?
I don't see anything wrong with a tyro or someone without access to longer rages getting it done commercially. And I know people offering this service are doing it for a living but I would expect to learn myself how to do this.
Also if the commercial zeroing involved very steady rests/bags (would hope so) the rifle owner still needs to finally check zero with his most common in the field position be it over the day pack or whatever.