Bench Rest rifle, in a calibre that was both cheap and easy to load.
223 lots of free brass left at the range, good projectiles for around 50 cents, 8 cents per primer , powder 20 / 30cents, so reasonable quality shooting for less than a buck per round.
Priced a new LRPV model 12 Savage, left hand feed, new at $2900
Purchased a secondhand Model 12 heavy barrel for $800.
Shot it and it showed potential, so started to splash, down the rabbit hole we go. Bought a Boyds stock $480 wait 7 months for it as ChCh Terrorist thing, got in the way. Timney trigger $200 .........
New rig, shot it without anything done to the Boyds stock. Not Good, so I pillar bedded it with some small loose aluminium round sections, . r result slightly better and so carried on & bedded it, overall improvement, marginal.
Got all stuffed up with seating depths, sometimes this rifle would shoot well. Accuracy was intermittent. Being a second hand rifle, with no history, I was now on a crusade to make this thing shoot.
Could never ascertain where the lands were, seemingly Savage have a history of long throats, perhaps the throat was burnt out , that’s why I’m struggling to find a seating depth? Tended to double group which suggested the bedding wasn’t right.
Despair, so I took it to TT someone with experience to have a look at, bore scope etc. Everything looked Ok although rifling was rough & chipped, done when the barrel was manufactured, no throat erosion, but overall not a good barrel, yet it had shot well once upon a time.
A Rude Shock, he informed me that my pillar and bedding job were rubbish. I will have to start again, he replied the beginning is a good place to start. Got to like old school straight up Honesty.
So I completely, started again, this time the pillar beds were steel and tolerances, were tight, followed by a devcon bedding job, everything was tight & snug as. Back tang not touching, magazine single shot not binding on anything. Shot it, didn’t seem so hold sensitive, felt solid, the groups were better but I felt it could still do better. Perhaps it’s time to bite the bullet, new barrel time.
Barrel still had a rough feel when running patches, annoying, my cheap bore scope, showed copper.
So Bore tec over and over until no visible signs of copper.
Jag patch with just JBs bore paste, 40 strokes forwards & backwards, changed patch & did it all over again. Cleaned out with Hoppies No9 the patches felt smoother. Perhaps I’ve got a smooth bore.
Results result the damn thing shot 3 nice groups, getting tighter as I went. A new barrel would sort it out but for the moment, it will get the heavy weight treatment.
Attachment 170935