In that case, sell the .308 and get the 7mm08 chopped and threaded OR get the .308 chopped and keep the 7mm08 as a safe queen.
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Have had .308’s in 16, 18, and 20inch. For me 16 inch was too noisy. 18 - 20 inch is as short as I’d go.
I re-barreled one of my .308’s with a 280ai Shilen Barrel. Awesome!
Depends on what you consider long range work. I have a very light tikka 708 with a 16" barrel. It has accounted for a few deer past 400yds and a couple past 500yds. Just as handy in close with a 140gn pill . Sell the 308.
Since you can't make up your mind between the 2 I think you need to buy another one...
Well reading this has been quite interesting.
I own both but I'm back to front.
The 7mm08 I own was 18" and needed re crowning so I shortened it to 16". And I absolutely love it.
My 308 shoots mint as and it's a 20" and it's in the case of don't F%!k with what isn't broke as it shoots really well.
For you're circumstances shorten the 308 up or to 16". You'll be quite suprised how well they perform.
Then I'd either hand load you're 7mm08(projectiles will be a right Prick of a thing to find sadly) and see what it can do.
All of my rifles are 20" max barrel length now and the deer do not know the difference either.
Hope this helps
I'd run one or the other, doing the same job imo. Both would work fine with short barrels shooting moderate distance
Mate came out with this quote the other day. 2 cheeks of the same Ass.
7 and 7.62 cal are so close we could argue 1 or other all day.
In identical rifles the 7mm may have an advantage at longer range while the 7.62 may be better at short range on larger game.
As you don't reload (think I read that) you are stuck with factory loads and that rules out some of the fun possibilities.
Given the 7M08 has sentimental value either leave it alone or buy some hand loading kit and ream it to 284 win and dock the 308 to 18" (I had a 243 at 18" and it had a huge muzzle flash and was really loud).
Or better yet sell the 308 and just get a larger bore 300 mtr calibre that will be more efficient in an 16" barrel. ie 35 cal. Something that will differentiate itself from the 7m08.
Friend of mine has done option 2. made his 308 a bush gun, getting the suppressor against the stock almost.
He loves it. Goes every year to fiordland for few weeks. at those distances the accuracy is not noticeably any different.
A bit late in the piece to ask this, @Fatberg but how short exactly can you cut the .308 down to before the suppressor touches the stock?
I wouldn't bother to shorten it if it wasn't losing at least 4".
308 handles short barrels well, and for 200m you could feasibly drop down to 12". While some may argue the point, nobody on this forum would go and hold the target at 200 yards and dispute it's legality at that range, even though it is a bit extreme.
Sending the barrels off next week to get done, the .308 can only get chopped to about 17" before the forend touches the stock. At the moment it's 20".
Iv got 7mm08 chop to 18 inches I run ppu 139 & have no problem shooting deer at what ever I aim at
Update for anyone who is interested. This is how the .308 came out. Overall length with suppressor is 1080mm and 910mm without. Barrel is about 16". Going to be awesome for tight bush without the suppressor.
Attachment 211958
Attachment 211959