hey everyone can someone tell me what gun ranges are in hawkes bay. Im after gun ranges for rifle usage.
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hey everyone can someone tell me what gun ranges are in hawkes bay. Im after gun ranges for rifle usage.
Type a search into Google. There is a few. I was looking for an indoor one to sight an air rifle in during a period of crappy windy weather and saw a few. Bay view and pukowhai spring to mind. Think was one to south side of Hastings as well.
Got a ranch in Dannevirke,200 to 500 maximum.
Hey mate there is one down state highway 50 only goes to 400m though. Give rivers to ranges a call think you book it through them. $10.
It would help if you stated what sort of rifle you have. To my knowledge, for centre fire, there are no ranges you can just turn up to. The one west of Roys Hill, aka the gravel pit, that you can book through Rivers to Ranges is your best bet. Other ranges are club members only. If this sounds dire it could get worse from June next year when rifle ranges need to be registered so join a shooting club.
Regards Grandpamac.
Some of the Clubs I know of, quite a few members around here
-Hawkes Bay Pistol club @ Bay View. 50m ranges
-Hawkes Bay Rifle Club @ PakiPaki, maily long range target rifles. 300, 600 & 1000yrds. Limited to non-magnum calibers
-Target Shooting Hastings, small bore
-Phoenix Pistol club and HB sports shooters clay club @ Maraekakaho, and the service rifle club shoot out there too
-Hawkes Bay Clay Target Club @ Longlands
-Kennels Clay club
Think there might be one or two more
A $100 Ali RF would sort that out
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