Refresh my memory if im sighting one of my centerfires in on a 25m range roughly how high or low do i want it shooting done a couple of scope swaps and its been a while the 2 main ones are 7x57 and a 308
Refresh my memory if im sighting one of my centerfires in on a 25m range roughly how high or low do i want it shooting done a couple of scope swaps and its been a while the 2 main ones are 7x57 and a 308
Scope height above the bore?
Intended zero?
Welcome to Sako club.
Pretty much bang on at 25m for a 200m zero on my rifles is what I use to check or get on paper when resighting.
About 200m zero should be good for both
IIRC it's 40m when the bullet passes the line of sight on a 200m zero. Or maybe that's 250m...
You want it to be roughly the height of the scope low at 25y. So roughly an inch or so low.
If you zero it at 25y you will be very high at 100.
300 win mag bey hits the middle every time
Not odd at all.
I know where all my rifles shoot when zeroed at the correct range, and at 50m.
I also know my exact boresight at 10m.
Quick check with a shot or look down the barrel is all that's needed to confirm things. I trust either and it has never let me down.
Can also save a bit of doubt if you or someone else has a miss with your rifle.
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Last edited by R93; 06-03-2019 at 12:06 PM.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Zeroing, yes I agree, hence my comment about checking (once already zeroed at 200), or starting at 25m to get on paper (before shooting further out). For a 200m zero I much prefer actually shooting at 200m rather than 2 inches high at 100m, but sometimes you don't have that choice.
Must be you a lot of people start at a closer range so you not fuking around so much at 100 or 200 trying to get it on paper
Nothing wrong with short range sighting in.
Do what works for you.
Check if you can at 100- 200m.
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I just draw a 1" circle on my target, go out to 100yds and pull the bolt out and bore site it then away you go, 99% of the time on paper
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles