Sighted in the TC 270 today, about 1.2 inches high at 100m. Unfortunately I didn't get to shoot out to 200m as the wind was blowing really strong so I still yet don't have the info I need as to how well these rounds are grouping. Hornady 130 gr SST ammo.
Just as I was about to squeeze off another round the unluckiest Hare in the world ran and stopped right behind my target, it was exactly 120m away. I aimed dead center on its shoulder and that's where the bullet entered. Good enough for now to hunt with. Hopefully later this week I will get the chance to shoot at 200m and really dial in the scope, I don't want to have to try a different brand of ammo as it starts to get expensive so I will be pissed off if this ammo doesn't group super tight.
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