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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Sighting in your rifle in Wellington for $10.

    This might be of interest to ppl in Wellington.

    "Pre Roar sighting in Day - Wellington Area
    With all the preparation, bookings, etc, make sure you take time to sight your rifle in.

    Are you looking for somewhere in the Wellington area to sight in your rifle before the Roar? The Upper Hutt Gunshop/Magnum Imports has arranged with the HV NZDA for their Kaitoke range to be available to the public on Sunday morning, 22nd March from 9.00 am till 12.00 am for sighting in.

    There will be a nominal fee of $10 per shooter, targets and target frames will be supplied and the Deerstalkers will provide Range officers and help if required.

    You can shoot prone off the grass mound or off the concrete benches, and some rests will be supplied if you don't have one.

    All you need to bring is you rifle, ammo, license and hearing protection."

    Kaitoke membership for a year is $120 (incl $15 for a key) not huge for access to the range alone IMHO.

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"



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