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Alpine DPT

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  1. #1
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Smallbore rifle club Hamilton??

    Does anyone know if there is a smallbore rifle club in Hamilton or near?
    Have done some Googling and some places indicated there is one, but I can't find any contact details for one.

    I know there is one in Cambridge, so that may be my best bet.

  2. #2
    JWB is offline
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Waikato Assn - Roy Herbison - 07 543 2294

    Cambridge Club - Glen Brownlee - 07 827 8541

    Hamilton Club - Kylie Blacklaws - 027 404 2508

    Putaruru Club - Warren Wilton - 07 886 8144

    Rotorua Club - Ivor Brettell - 07 348 5380

    Tauranga Club - Alison Fursdon - 021 140 7279

    Te Awamutu Club - Dave Miller - 021 287 7070

    Te Aroha Club - Doug Gilmour - 07 884 7975

    Te Puke Club - Allison Archer - 07 542 5511

    Waikato 50m Outdoor Club - Allison Archer - 07 542 5511

    Waitomo Club - Andrew Walker - 07 873 2776

    Whakatane Club - Paul Abbott - 07 315 7328
    From the TSNZ Website.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Contact Kylie as above for the Hamilton club. It's at Dey Street so right on your edge of town. They do prone with target rifle. For 3P smallbore and outdoor Olympic style you will need to go to Tokoroa. I think its the South Waikato NZDA who run that. Look for TSSC Tokoroa Shooting Sports Complex but they don't have a web site.
    The NZDA and Airgun cub shoots together at Dey Street on alternate Tuesdays which is 4 position mostly hunter type rifles but anything goes. Look for Waikato NZDA facebook or web page. They can put you in touch with TSSC if needed
    Last edited by Bagheera; 18-02-2018 at 10:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Have contacted the number above and will head along in March.




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